23- Anger

1107 Words

 Hope could not believe her eyes upon seeing Varys in the party. What was he even doing here? This was a party for extremely rich people. And Varys was not supposed to be here! Her heart was beating against her chest like a jackhammer, the sweat making its way down to her temple despite of being in the fully air conditioned hall.  When his furious gaze became too harsh for her to bear, and the shock of seeing him here passed, making her realize that it was no dream and she was seeing him in front of her eyes for real, she averted her gaze. And in that exact moment she realized that Shawn's lips were still pressed upon hers. She immediately pulled back, taken aback and surprised. Shawn was smiling down at her as their body still moved to the rhythm but she came to a standstill,  "Why di

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