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I could see one of the many tall turrets of the Kings castle, rising above the fluffy clouds and going higher. The strong stones that made up the towering turrets were covered with moss from the wild plant growth over the years. I stopped looking at the castle when I saw the other girls moving past me. Such a shame, the castle was so pretty even though I've only seen one small part of it. I'm sure the other parts of the castle were pretty as well! The girls were following the soldier who rode over to our village and I hurried to catch up, hiking my red dress over my ankles. Usually I would not mind the dew of the grass wetting my dress a little bit but since I was meeting the King in who knows how long, I wanted to look presentable. I was quite scared to meet the King, I heard he was very dangerous. I knew I was not the only one who was sacred, when I looked around, I saw many frightened girls who were either wringing their fingers together, or nervously fiddling with their clothes. I steeled myself, I would try not to fear the king! How would I like it if people who never even met me acted horribly to me? Tis was not fair. "Follow me, Village five hundred and thirty-six." The soldier called out. We all followed behind his pretty horse, I hope someone is taking good care of her and feeding her lots of hay. Around me, other villages were following a soldier of their own. There is a total of six hundred villages in this part of the world. I think we live in the north because it snows a lot here. I once read in a book that other parts like the south hardly get any snow, if not, none at all. I could not imagine a life without snow, snow is very beautiful. But snow also is a hard obstacle for our village farmers and that is why they spend all their times in the fields during summer. We were quickly approaching the drawbridge that led to the gates of the castle and my heart started hammering in my chest and my palms began to grow clammy. It was not my intention to be nervous, but you cannot blame me! I was going to meet the most powerful man in the world and look at him in the eye, Tis was very nerve wrecking! I would never stare at the King in the eye until I really had to, and this situation calls for one of those times. Lycans and Werewolves alike find their mate either from direct skin contact, scent, or the meeting of the eyes. The King would likely try all of these methods just to make sure. From my place at the drawbridge, I could see the castle more clearly. The castle was majestic, the front doors rising several heights with moss and colorful wildflowers growing on the sturdy stone walls. All of its turrets with various heights and pointed tops and a well-tended garden that surrounded the castle in itself. We crossed the drawbridge while I looked at the crystal water underneath. I saw something large and dark slither around in its depths, I wonder if the creature was friendly? The doors stood open and soon we were inside the grand hall. It was bigger than I ever expected. Pillars rose about here and there with intricate swirls and patters which were all identical, the marble floors were so sleek and shiny that I could see my reflection in them. I quickly fixed a few of my stray strands of hair while looking at my image on the floor. I could not imagine all five hundred and seventy villages fitting in this grand hall, but it seemed like everyone fit. The hall was bigger than expected, bigger than what my human eye could see. I was getting pushed around and jostled in the crowd, I tried to find the soldier who dismounted his horse before we came in but even under the bright lights of the chandeliers overhead, I could not find him. It was not fun being short! Panic rose inside of me when I could find anyone familiar from my village, how was I supposed to get home? There were murmurs from the villages and commanding shouts from the men on horses. I did not know how we were supposed to get orderly when there were more than a thousand of us. Out the corner of my eye. I spotted a flash of emerald green and my heart skipped a beat; it was Madison! She sold fresh carrots in the markets, straight picked from her garden. She always wore these beautiful green boots, she told me in passing that they were a gift from her husband, how sweet! I wish for a husband who would give me gifts too! "Sorry, excuse m- oof, watch it!" I struggled my way to Madison, hoping that she would lead me to my village. I was an arm’s length away so I grabbed a quick hold of her long sleeves and she gasped. Whirling around, she stared at me with wide eyes and a startled look but when she noticed it was me her eyes softened. "Elaine!" "Sorry to startle you Madison, I got lost and was getting jostled around in the crowd." I apologized with a heavy heart. "It's quite alright, here," She took a hold of my hand, "Now you won't get lost." I smiled at her and she led us both to the clump of our villagers. We were getting into two lines and all around us the other villages were doing the same. There was no correlation on how you should stand, it was just taking a place behind another. Our village seemed settled down and we all stood there in hushed silence, looking up towards the great ceiling or looking at the other villagers. Villages were not far apart but hardly did anyone travel to other villages, only the merchants traveled. They all looked like a blur to me, one face forgotten after the next. Now that I didn't have anything to do but stand still, my nerves were catching up to me. I started to think about the King. I kept telling myself to not be scared but I could not help it. All the stories that I have heard, I could not help but shudder. Madison must've noticed my nerves, "Don't worry about it, it's highly unlikely that over a thousand people you would be his mate." I knew many girls would love to be his mate because of the title and the powers and riches that come with it. I thought that was quite mean and sinister. If you want a person then you should want them for them only and not the perks that come with it. If Madison said that to anyone else, there would be a high chance they would be offended. I gave her a shaky smile, my throat being too dry to speak. Even the married women had to be worried, a marriage would not stop a Werewolf from claiming its mate. So I held her hand again and gave her a squeeze and she gave one back. We would get through this together. A sudden hush fell over the crowd and I only focused on my breathing, I could not pass out now, it would be embarrassing. Everyone was settled down and all there was needed was to wait for the King. We all stood facing a massive set of double gold doors. There were patterns engraved into it which I followed eagerly with my eyes. They were so pretty! I could stare at them all day. The lights from the chandeliers seemed to focus on those doors. Suddenly we all felt a suffocating energy flow through the room. It was dangerous, powerful, deadly. Legs started shaking and sweat ran down backs. We all knew who this was. The man did not even have to enter the hall, we knew that he was behind that door. I gripped Madison's hand tighter, the feeling was getting to me. My palms were sweaty and so were hers. We both shared a look of fear, not bothering to hide it anymore. I faced forwards with my back straight, I will not collapse. The doors opened. The energy blasted throughout the hall like a bomb, its waves hitting us like a person drowning in the great blue sea. Some girls fell to their knees and fainted. I tried not to look as they were taken away to God's know where. He was here, in this very hall. Our village was in the far back so that the wall was right behind us, all I could see was the heads of the villagers. I could feel his aura as he made his way down rows, checking every girl by just passing through them. Very quickly it seemed, he was two villages away from us, I started to take quick breaths out my mouth, his aura was too much, and I fought the urge to whimper. I could see the girls near me start to shake in their shoes. I let go of Madison's hand, afraid I would break it with how hard I was holding it. She seemed unaware of her grip too. One village away from us. I scented peppermint, how odd. I did not smell this before. It distracted me from the energy. I fluttered my eyes close and greedily took in the comforting smell, it warmed my insides and made me tingly all over. I was so preoccupied with the addicting scent, I did not notice that he was now looking over our village, nor did I notice that he was quickly moving down the line, not even bothering looking at the other girls. He had a mission. Hearing a growl, I snapped open my eyes. Bright eyes staring right into my muddy ones. My breath hitched; the world disappeared. It was just me.... and King Silas. His nostrils flared, seemingly taking in my scent also, that is when I noticed how strong the peppermint was now. It was him. So quick that the eye could not catch, he shot his arm out and grabbed me from the waist and slammed me straight against his chest. It was impossible to breathe. I could not feel his energy within his tight and gentle embrace. Instead I felt tingles, sparks. He leaned down from his towering height to bring his granite like face towards mine. I could feel all the muscular plains of his body pressing against mine, all the ridges and dips. His skin was smooth, a slight stubble over the lower half. His hair was golden, so exceedingly bright. I kept staring at his honey like eyes, noticing how they relaxed from their tightened state slightly. He dipped his nose towards my neck, and I shuddered, he only held me tighter. I felt his soft lips flutter against the column, "Mate."
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