Chapter 2

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Chapter 2Comfortable with a group of off-duty friends, Rainbird looked up and muffled a groan. Of course, it was inevitable that he and Iseoy would have to cross paths on board the Njord, but he wasn’t in the mood for any of the PrideHomer’s bigoted opinions. “I can’t believe you’re a friend of that teneg,” Rainbird said to Tamesis as he watched Iseoy cross the recreation area. “Uh…what?” Tamesis blinked, then looked around. “Ah, you mean Iseoy. What’s a ten egg?” “Teneg means…um…backward thinking, um—” Rainbird faltered. “Try Neanderthal.” Amina giggled softly. “That’s an old Earth expression for someone whose way of thinking belongs to an outmoded and primitive era.” “Sounds appropriate.” Rainbird grinned, but his smile wavered at the soft sigh from Amina as she gazed up at him. He

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