1561 Words

. AMERY . "I can't believe that you came." Asher's shrill voice resonated through my shoulders, blocking the thoughts of what I had seen earlier. I couldn't believe that I had walked in on a naked Levi. I wouldn't be surprised if he had me on one of his bad books. He had never liked me and this incident would add to the list of hate he had going on for me. Asher pulled away and I held onto the strap of the bags to support my stance. "I wouldn't miss it and besides it's my project with Quincy so I can't back out." "I'm glad that you listened to me." I hummed in response. Yeah, listening to you had almost caused me my life and sanity a few minutes ago. I thought to myself but I wouldn't dare to say it out loud. "No one came for the door when I knocked so I thought to come in myself an

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