1483 Words

LEVI'S POV. " I can't believe she's still alive after what happened out there today" I muttered to myself while pacing around the room recalling what happened earlier today. I haven't left my room since my plan to get rid of Amery had failed completely. I'm still trying to understand why those wolves, ferociously know. For tearing outsiders apart turned on me. Worse! I can't quite comprehend why my wolf is filled with so much pain and is restless. It was our plan from the beginning to get rid of Amery, so why the fuss?. I'm glad she did catch an air of my feelings each time I hurt her. It was like something was being shoved into my heart, like a sword driven into my very soul. It felt like my wolf felt it worse, I fill his pace within me that came with annoying nag. "Shut up already

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