Book 1: Sweep You Off Your Feet - Prologue

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Thirty-one-year-old Jayson Meyers is a no-nonsense type of lawyer. The oldest son of the Meyers family, he has no time for women. His life revolves around his law firm and lawyers. His parents and siblings have given up all hope of ever getting him settled down. When he meets the beautiful Karen Richardson at his best friend’s wedding, he is bowled over by her. Trying all excuses to get her to stay in the small town of Travis Springs, he finally succeeds. She takes up his job offer and shifts from Austin. Read this sweet love story to know how Jayson will sweep her off her feet and make her finally his. ———————— Prologue: Karen stared at the resignation letter that she had typed with disgust and then clicked on the send button without a second thought. Disgusted was a small word for what she was feeling. She felt cheated, dirty, nauseated, and violated every time she thought about it. It was only a week ago that Roland Farrell took over from his dad Alan Farrell, as CEO of Farrell Corps. where she had been working for the last two years as a personal assistant to the CEO. Alan Farrell was a sweet seventy-year-old man who treated her more like a daughter than a PA. Her nightmares started the day Roland took over. He was a married man of thirty, with two young children of his own, yet he stared at her with lust-filled vulgar eyes. Every day turned out to be a nightmare in his presence. He tried to make vulgar suggestions and weird passes and when nothing worked; he took the direct approach today in the evening. He sexually tried to harass her and when she protested vehemently, he clearly pointed out that she would lose her employment if she didn’t cater to his physical needs as and when he wished. Karen stomped out of his office and here she was in her small two-bedroomed rented apartment, typing and sending her resignation letter. She didn’t need such a job where her dignity was at stake. She searched for some appropriate jobs and applied and waited. She waited the whole week. Two of the companies she applied to responded specifying that all vacancies had been filled up and that they would get back to her if there were any. She was bored and depressed beyond words. Nothing was going well in her twenty-five years of life. She just broke up with her on-and-off boyfriend, Edmund Brown, when she discovered he had married his stable girlfriend two months back. She didn’t love him or like him much. He was just available whenever she had to attend a corporate event with a date. He always borrowed money from her. She gave him only when he helped her out. After marriage, he kept ties with her just for money. There was nothing more between them. She just didn’t have time for it. Her parents lived with her two older brothers and their families in Halifax, Canada. Her twin sister, Lauren, and she had shifted to the US, two years back against their family’s wishes. Lauren got married to her boyfriend here in Austin, because of whom she had shifted, and Karen was busy with her work. However, she found hope when suddenly, out of the blue, her best friend Scarlett Lewis called her. A month back, she was harassed by some criminals so much that she had to escape Austin with her three-month-old baby to Travis Springs. Their friend Valentina McGuire, whose father was the sheriff there, lived in Travis Springs. Although Valentina got married a few months back, Scarlett had no other choice than to go there to ask for her father’s help. So suddenly receiving her call really had her curiosity levels up. Did she get rid of her tormentors? She took the call and asked what was foremost on her mind. “Hey girl, Wassup,” said Karen. “Did you get rid of that terrorist who was after you?” she asked. “Yeah, he was a drug lord, one of the most wanted criminals on Interpol’s list for drug trafficking. Now he’s dead meat,” she said, smiling. “All thanks to my gorgeous fiancé." “Hang on, what fiancé? You went to save your ass, right? How did you find a gorgeous fiancé in a village?” she asked inquisitively, her voice laced with excitement. “Yeah, that’s why I went. I met him here, and he helped me save my ass, you dumbo. He’s an ex-US Marshal and currently the sheriff of Travis Springs, Chase McGuire. I was staying at his place, actually.” “Does he have a brother? I’m coming to Travis Springs then,” she said jokingly. “No silly, he’s Val’s brother,” she informed and Karen just sighed with disappointment. “So, when’s the wedding?” She asked eagerly. “In a month, Kary. 7th of next month, actually. You have to attend. You’re my maid of honor. Val is pregnant. Also, she has Benny to look after. Give your leave application today itself,” she said. “I resigned from my job, Scar. I’m jobless actually. Just sitting at home,” she said, unhappily. “Oh, but why? You were doing so well?” she asked with concern. “My boss, Roland Farrell, made a vulgar pass at me. He’s married with kids, yet he tried to harass me. He said that if I wanted the job, I would have to give him what he wanted on and off, whenever he wanted. It’s so disgusting. I resigned last week,” she said, sighing heavily. “That’s really cheap and vulgar. You should alert his wife about his ways. Okay, forget him. So what about Edmund? You both are still together?” asked Scarlett. “I broke off with Edmund two weeks back,” she said. “He had married his steady girlfriend two months back, yet dated me for money,” she said with pure hatred in her voice. “So, basically, I’m bored at home. I had applied for a job in two companies, but they don’t have any vacancies at present.” “Why don’t you treat it like a vacation and come over to Travis Springs and help me with the wedding preparations?” “Okay. I’ll just wait for the response from another company that I applied to yesterday. If they don’t accept my application, then I’m coming to Travis Springs.” They talked for some time about Austen and then disconnected the call. After three days, Karen received a call from Scarlett that she was in town and coming over to meet her. Karen shrieked with joy and wanted to travel to Travis Springs with them. The company didn’t accept her application, and she had packed last night to go to Travis Springs. So they visited her and Scarlett introduced her husband, Chase, to her. Karen followed them to Travis Springs, in her Honda Civic. They reached in half an hour and all of them went inside. Chase took her luggage to the guest room downstairs. Scarlett introduced her to Chase’s parents. “This is Valentina’s and my best friend, Karen Richardson,” she said as Aunt Chloe, Chase’s mom, hugged Karen. “Hello Aunt Chloe, I’ve heard so much about you and Uncle Phil from Val,” Karen said. Uncle Phil was Chase and Valentina’s father. “Welcome home, dear,” said Aunt Chloe. She loved the homely atmosphere and soon settled down, playing with Scarlett’s four-month-old son Austen.
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