Book 2: Chapter Fifteen - Moving On

1717 Words

Juliette came back to her empty apartment and sobbed into her pillow. She felt more heartbroken seeing Xavion at the hospital than ever before. She couldn’t concentrate on anything for the next few hours. Images of Xavion lying helplessly in the empty hospital room kept flashing through her mind. He needed someone with him. Why wasn’t Candice beside him? She didn’t want to think about them, but whatever she did, the same thoughts and images hounded her. She tried to submerge herself in her studies, but without no success. The next few days, Juliette spent in a very restless state. She wanted to know whether Xavion was alright and released from the hospital or not. She just couldn’t figure out how she could get that information. Her exams started and were over in ten days. She hadn’t met

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