Chapter 5

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Damien's Pov  I was left in the room feeling bewildered by what had happened. Something had felt right with the omega who had left the room. Getting back to work, I began pulling the sheets when a pissed-off Zion slammed the door open and pushed me towards the wall. “Do you know how much your little stunt cost me?” He spat, some of his saliva wetting my face. “What do you mean?” I asked, confused. How dare he touch us? Arcanis, my wolf, who should not have been present, leered, adding to my confusion. “That omega who you were holding hostage was mine,” he continued, tightening his hold on my shirt. I was worried it was going to tear. “Get off him.” Madam Cassandra’s voice pierced the tense atmosphere. Zion’s hold loosened slowly, but the look of hate he sent my way did not disappear. “Damien, explain yourself,” she ordered, and I explained that I had just found her in the room and thought she was on her way out. I had said little. She had just asked for my name. “You are not meant to be seen or heard by our clients, Damien. That omega and her friends spent a gold coin on Mimi to basically talk to them. Not only did you cost us, but if they found out that she got a lowly cleaner, that does not look good for me. This is business, and people talk,” she continued. Maybe I was in the wrong, but from my end, I felt like they were overreacting. “Search him and the room!” she ordered, while two other alphas joined in, sending me dirty looks. I felt humiliated. I had never been treated this way before. I wanted to run away and hide. But I knew I couldn’t. The search, as expected, was futile, to the eminent dismay of everyone in the room. “You are lucky that I have not fired you right now,” Madam Cassandra said. “But I am giving you a warning. Do not let this happen again.” “I quit,” I replied. Madam Cassandra’s eyes widened in surprise. “What?” she asked. “I quit,” I repeated. “I will not work for a place that thinks I am a common thief.” Atta boy, Arcanis cheered. I turned and walked out of the room, leaving Zion and the other alphas staring after me in shock. The decision had been a spur-of-the moment thing, but I remembered the omega’s words. I would take my chances with the job in the palace, and whatever happened, I would also talk to Amira about my situation. She had to be understanding. As I walked out in the wee hours of the morning, the cold air stung my cheeks. I was tired and just wanted to go home, but I had to stop for a moment to catch my breath. I was about to step outside when I bumped into a lady at the entrance. “Sorry, my bad,” she apologized as I spurted my apology too. I looked up at her and was immediately struck by her striking blue eyes. There was a sense of familiarity that I could not exactly place. I took a step back to avoid any further contact, but she reached out and grabbed my arm. “Are you okay?” she asked. I nodded, even though I wasn’t sure if I was. I was still shaken up from my confrontation. “I’m fine,” I said. “Just a little tired.” She smiled. “I know the feeling.” We stood there for a moment, awkwardly looking at each other. I didn’t know what to say, and she didn’t seem to either. Finally, she broke the silence. “Well, I should probably get going,” she said. “It was nice meeting you.” “You too,” I replied. She turned and walked away, and I watched her go. I couldn’t help but wonder why the interaction left me unsettled. I got home early in the morning, my sisters having already left for school. I spent the day at home while my mother kept fussing around me, worried. I kept reassuring her that things were fine until it was late afternoon, the time when my sisters left school. I wanted to catch Amira. The school was a few minutes from our home, which was pretty convenient. I was met by the preschool children, who were already leaving for the day. Outside the gates, I watched as more students left, catching my sisters as well but waving them away. I was not there to pick them up. I started getting antsy while waiting for Amira until I saw her in a group of teachers leaving. She was all smiles and laughing. Hopefully, soon I will be the person who can make her smile like that. She had yet to notice my presence until one lady in the group pointed towards me, and I managed an awkward wave towards them. They all seemed to say goodbye, and Amira broke off from the group and made her way towards me. As she approached, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of nervousness mixed with excitement. I met her with a shy smile, hoping to match the warmth and joy radiating from her. “Hey, Damien. I’m surprised to see you here,” she said, a smile gracing her face. "Hello, I didn’t mean to disappear," I replied. “So why are you here?” she asked, not beating around the bush. “Can I walk you home? There is something I want to talk to you about.” I replied, hoping to spend more time with her. A grimace crossed her face so fast that I thought I had imagined it. “We are heading out with the teachers. I thought this would be a quick thing,” she said, sounding apologetic. I debated postponing the conversation, but given my plans, the probability of us seeing each other soon enough was not possible. I took a deep breath, trying to hide my disappointment. “Well, maybe we can find a few minutes to talk before you leave?” I suggested, hoping for a chance to address the matter that had been weighing on my mind. The conversation was sensitive and not suited for the roadside, but I would make do with what I had. “I may not manage to make the full payment of your courting price if we are to ever get serious. I lost my job, but I am working on something else. Can I pay it up in installments, maybe?” I asked. Most omegas did not accept courtships with alphas who could not pay up their courtship price when it would be time to get married and mated. It was considered a waste of time. Not only was my job loss a significant setback, but it also added an extra layer of pressure to our already delicate position. I knew that if I couldn’t find a solution to the financial aspect of our courtship, it could potentially jeopardize our future together. Amira frowned and bit her lip in thought. “I don’t think that’s possible. My parents will not budge.” “Give me some time, please. I am serious about us.” I pleaded. She nodded before assuring me that she would be patient. I felt a mix of relief and gratitude as Amira’s understanding and support reassured me. However, deep down, I couldn’t shake off the worry that time might not be on my side. Our conversation ended on a high note for me, and we exchanged phone numbers. When I got home, I found both of my sisters in the kitchen, the table set and waiting. Nina, the younger of the two, asked, “So, how is our future sister-in-law?” She was just fishing for information, and I could see my mother’s ears perk up as she listened in. I ignored the question altogether and asked, “How is school?” We rarely talked, as I always left for work before they got home, and when I got home, they were never there. “We’re getting ready for exams. The break will be a week before the Princess's presentation,” she replied, going along with my diversion. I remembered that they needed some dresses for the presentation day, which I would need to budget for in the following month. Natasha, the older of the two, who had been finishing up tidying up the kitchen, joined in. “Why are you still here and not at work?” she asked, puzzled by my presence at the table. “I’m looking for another job. The hours were not good,” I replied. “I can get a job too, you know?” she started, but I was not ready for that argument again. “We have discussed this time and time again,” I replied. “You guys are going to finish school, and it’s not up for discussion.” Like the teenager she was, she rolled her eyes. “You are not our father, but our brother,” she insisted. I sighed. “I know, but I promised you all after Dad. I am not going to let anything happen to you.” I replied, looking at the three omegas, who were my whole world. Natasha opened her mouth to argue, but then she seemed to think better of it. It was a low blow to use our father on her, but it got her compliant. “Fine,” she said. “But if you need help, you know you can ask.” I smiled. “Thanks, Nat. I appreciate that.” We finished eating dinner in silence, and then I helped out with the dishes. After that, I went to my room and looked at the palace website for job openings. The website was still empty, but I was hopeful that the position would up soon. The day had been a mixture of highs and lows, but my progress with Amira was still the best thing that had happened to me. Feeling courageous, I decided to use the number she had given me. Me: Goodnight, beautiful. Two hours later, my message still remained unanswered.
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