Chapter 8

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Nuru's Pov My head ached, my eyes felt swollen, having spent the better part of the night plagued by nightmares of my presentation. In one, the crowds had booed while the attending dignitaries had shaken their heads in disgust when I had walked onto the dais and removed my veil. My anxiety seemed to have seeped into my dreams. I had stopped joining my parents for breakfast, so I attempted to take a nap, but I couldn't rest. My phone was drier than a bone in the desert, so it would not offer me any form of entertainment. Beside it lay the TV remote and I turned it on hoping the morning news would offer me some sort of entertainment. There was nothing new, protests in some parts of the Kingdom, the search for a missing wolf and the weather broadcast before the news presenters broke to the Gossip segment of the day. My first thought had been they would talk about my presentation only for them to talk about Magnus Ghost, one of my favorite romance authors. The nation is buzzing about Magnus Ghost's new book, Love's Covenant, which celebrates the love between two Fated Mates. In recent interviews he had been captured saying that fated mates existed and the council together with the royals have been hiding it from the citizens. Well, sources are saying he is part of the rebellion group Soulbound Union that have been causing havoc in Kingdom Verendetia and he is selling the propaganda to Serendetia Citizens. What do you all think? What did I think? Nothing. The thought of anyone apart from Cedric being my fated mate would have not sat well with me. Maybe they had a reason. To give people free will to choose who they wanted. Consecutive knocks interrupted my inner musing and when I answered, an omega server walked in. “The King requires your presence in the dining room. " Like I had programmed myself to reply, “Send my apologies. Tell him I am busy working out,” I replied. Once my mother would hear that, she would excuse me from the table. “He told me not to show my face without you,” she replied and I could now smell the fear rolling off her in waves, her scent thick it was almost suffocating. With getting off my suppressants, I was beginning to get used to the smells of everyone around me, scenting their moods and at the moment it was too much. “Okay, just give me a minute,” I choked out. “Thankyou Princess, “ she replied, relieved. It took me some time to make myself presentable and when I got to the dining room, I just found my father, my mother, absent. “Your mother is not feeling well,” he started, not even going into pleasantries with me. I beckoned for the servant only asking for a glass of juice looking at my father who was closely following our interaction. He was testing me. I was hungry but I would not give him the satisfaction of going against my mother’s wishes in her absentia. “Your new babysitter reports today. He continued passing me a file. I opened looking at the general information. Damien Arcanis Scent : Mild Age 24 Designation : Musaeus Alpha. Was it my Alpha from the brothel? I was not a believer in the Moon Goddess but for the first time I prayed, my fingers crossed it was him. I could really use a friend right now. “ He is sufficient,” I replied. “The earlier you get yourself a mate the better. He is going to be at your beck and call. Just focus on getting a mate,” my father said. He knew how much I hated being shadowed or followed around. So hiring Damien was not for my benefit, but just to make me uncomfortable. I took a few sips of my juice, knowing I still had a stash of snacks still hidden. Something I had to thank Lily for. “ Can I be excused?” I asked and my father shooed me away. He was done with me. Back in my room, Emma was already waiting for me clutching a leather bound file seemingly vibrating with anxiety. “Take it away,” I told her while taking my spot at the window, where I always did. It was calming to look out and see the sun shining, the trees swaying and the birds flying. So much freedom resided outside the palace walls. “So we sent out invitations to your presentation and everyone has confirmed attendance. How great is that?” “Amazing,” I replied, smiling at her knowing the success of the event meant so much to her. The only great that about those news was knowing Cedric was coming. “Next we have a spa appointment in a few. You have been looking less vibrant and getting a rash so we need to work on that,” she continued. I wondered if I told her about my sleep struggles that would be enough to get me a prescription without so many questions. “ Getting off the suppressants is messing me up, do you think Doctor Darnell can get me anything for that?” A look of understanding crossed her face before she looked determined and promised to have them delivered to me as soon as possible. Our conversation ended with our agreement to meet in the garage to head out together. I needed to relax and what better place than a spa. Getting ready was a quick affair. Most of the times I dressed in jeans and a plain blouse, having a scarf and glasses for when I left the palace. Just like most palace workers, the one who attended to me had signed an NDA which made them never utter a word about knowing who I was or what I looked like. I made my way out of the palace, hoping I would not run into my father but even three doors away from each other, bits of his conversation floated to my ears. Normally this wouldn't have been possible, but as my wolf was beginning to wake up, I was getting sharper and taking advantage of the benefits of a my wolf. You are nothing to me or this palace so know your place and where you belong The words were said with so much contempt I wondered who those words were directed to. With little time to spare on eavesdropping, I ran along. The hours passed away quicker than I wanted and I was back at the palace, a massage and pedicure lighter. “Your last agenda for the day is to introduce you to you new caretaker,” Emma informed me. “ That’s okay. Have him come to my room after fifteen minutes. See you tomorrow,” I dismissed Emma hurrying to my room. I stood at my window, waiting for the knocks, my scarf discarded on my bed. If he was my babysitter, as my father had said then hiding would be of no use. Three consecutive knocks, followed by the handle turning, captured my attention. Next were the nicely polished leather shoes, the neatly ironed black dress pants that had a white shirt neatly tucked into them. A pair of pink lips that were on … those eyes. It was him. In the clear light of day, I could finally see them properly. One blue and one gray. So contrastingly beautiful. It was him! The alpha! “Surprise!” I squealed, even surprising myself as I watched a mix of emotions play out on his face. Surprise, shock, and then caution. “Princess Nuru?” He asked, as if testing out the name. “The one and only,” I replied, hoping my smile was welcoming “ You lied to me!” He glared back at me, a storm brewing in his eyes. “Am I here as your damn p********e?” he spat, his teeth clenched together in a tense grimace. Wait, how had we shifted to that? “What? No! What could make you believe I would stoop so low as to choose you for that?” I retorted, my confusion and disbelief pouring out. But deep down, a voice whispered unspoken words: Or anyone. “What the hell is wrong with me?” he shot back, his gaze burning with a fiery rage. “This is utterly baffling. What’s wrong with you? Weren’t you furious about being chosen?” I countered, my frustration mounting. He averted his gaze, momentarily suppressing his anger, though the simmering intensity still radiated from him. “Let’s make this crystal clear. I never wanted to be here for whatever twisted game you’re playing!” he seethed. Something about his tone ignited a fiery rage within me, fueling a storm of pent-up emotions. “And what exactly do you think this is? Weren’t you just doing the same in that brothel? What makes this any different?” I sneered, my voice dripping with disdain. If he was going to accuse me of something I hadn’t done, then I would give him a piece of my mind. “You should be grateful, you know. This pays far better than your previous occupation,” I retorted, a flicker of sadistic satisfaction crossing my face. “Grateful? You expect me to show gratitude for being sold like a prized possession to a pompous princess?” he spat back, his words laced with bitterness and contempt. Sold? What was the man talking about? He was not my slave. Perhaps it was the way he emphasized “pompous princess,” or maybe it was the culmination of days filled with suppressed anger and frustration that now found an outlet. “If that were the truth, you should have been groveling at my feet. Your social status means nothing to me. I would never lower myself to sleep with someone like you,” I hissed, my voice thick with disgust. A glint of challenge sparkled in his eyes as he shot back, fueled by defiance. “I wonder how the kingdom would react if they knew the princess had almost given in. Or was about to, to a lowly Alpha like me. I am a lonely widow with no one, " he taunted, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. That was it. That was the last straw. In that moment, reason slipped through my fingers like grains of sand, and I lunged forward, my hand connecting with his cheek in a resounding slap. The sound echoed in the room, followed by a tense silence. His eyes widened in shock, his hand instinctively moving to cradle his stinging face. The air crackled with the intensity of our confrontation, as if the room itself held its breath. “How dare you “ he growled, his voice low and dangerous. On the surface I felt Lyra growl too, wanting to burst out in her furs and show the alpha who exactly she was. If push came to shove he would be no match for us. “How dare you mock me, insult me, and dare to threaten me?” I spat, my anger blazing within me, consuming any remnants of rationality. He glared at me, a mixture of fury and surprise warring in his eyes. “You think you can use my vulnerabilities against me? You think you know who I am?” I continued, my voice trembling with pent-up emotions. “You know nothing!” I replied, choking up as I felt tears stinging my eyes,which I blinked back. His anger faltered for a moment, his eyes searching mine for something, some hint of the truth. And a look of concern too that made me defenseless. If we continued staring each other down, I would probably burst into tears and give him more blackmail material. I stepped back, putting some distance between us. The weight of the situation bore down on me, and my rage began to dissipate, replaced by a mix of exhaustion, regret, and sadness. I had just gained another adversary. “I didn’t bring you here, it’s by sheer luck you got the job,” I said, my voice softer now, the edge of hostility replaced with calm. “Hard to believe,” he scoffed, voice tinged with skepticism. “ That’s up to you. You have the job, so let’s get on with it.” “And if I refuse the job?” A ghost of a smile played on my lips as I met his gaze. “Then go explain your reasons to my father. Dismissed.” He seemed to want to say more before he stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him, leaving me in a state of utter chaos. As the weight of his departure settled upon me, a realization dawned with chilling clarity: I was royally screwed.
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