47 - Final Task

1368 Words

After Ezra left the library last night, I tried to push the thoughts of us away and focus. He left all the details I needed in our book, and I scribbled the outcome of my own meeting. My heart was thudding the entire time, and I was unsure if it was because of Ezra or how close I was, we were from taking a public stand against Black River. After a quiet breakfast, Tia almost knocked me over in the hallway, handing me a note. I was expecting it to be from Sam, but it was in Ezra’s neat handwriting. How did he know about Tia? Did I tell him? But I kept forgetting that he was a hired assassin; his job was to know things. Our Place That was all it said, and I nodded at Tia gratefully. She was bouncing up and down, and her eyes sparkled. She nodded back vigorously and almost skipped away

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