28 - A New Purpose

1621 Words

Shock rippled through me, rooting me to the spot. I had to be wrong, but I knew, I knew I wasn’t. Logic fought with my emotions, nothing made sense, and I was abruptly pulled back to that dark place where only pain and confusion existed. My fiery anger was quelled completely by grief. We have to go - My wolf sounded far away, but she was right. Just start walking - She pleaded. Did I not? I looked down, and my feet were still rooted to the dark fraying carpet. I swallowed and forced them to move. They felt heavy and wouldn’t do what I wanted. I didn’t walk away, I broke into a run, and I couldn’t stop. I ran down the stairs, through the front hall, and out the front door I hadn’t used in Goddess knew how long. I didn’t know if I passed anyone. I didn’t care how I looked. My mask shat

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