24 - Aksala

1621 Words

The voice in my head, my wolf, pulled me back to myself. Hi - I thought. Rough day? I choked on a laugh - Rough few years I know - She paused - I know Having her with me calmed me more than I knew was possible. For once, since I was stolen from my pack, I felt that I wasn’t completely alone. Even if my wolf was part of me, she was a counterpart. Her showing up alerted me to my stark loneliness that I pushed away where it couldn’t linger on the edges. I felt stronger than ever, powerful as if my wolf awoke every sense along with her, and she might have. I stood up tall and brushed off the dress. I made it this far. I had been through worse and come out of it. I am from a long line of Alphas. Alpha b.lood runs through me. Powerful b.lood runs through me. I am power, and I am b.lo

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