16 - Training Memories

2329 Words

“I don’t want him, Dad. I already chose Paul,” Nolan seethed; he was clenching his fork so hard I thought he might bend it. He was always the quietest, usually staying out of the way while his brothers tormented and instigated those around them. I had rarely, if ever, seen him this angry. “He is the best of the best. Ezra has come from the Western Territories and was trained from childhood for this role. There will be no discussion.” Alpha Raymond b.arely glanced at his youngest, but his face seemed sour. That wasn’t a surprise. Nolan was the tamest out of the brothers; therefore, he was the least favorite. I don’t think that Alpha Raymond saw him even as a potential heir, so he made him give up his trainer for the trials so that The Hunter could blend in without question. “But Dad-”

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