Chapter Seven

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Roberta POV The university was beyond my imagination. I had never seen anything this huge before. Never would I have dreamed a school could be this big. I was worried I was going to get lost. The driver stopped outside my dorm and helped me get my bags in. My room was a single room, with a bed, a chest of drawers, a wardrobe, my very own bathroom, thank the goddess, a desk and chair, a small fridge, and a mini kitchen. I loved it. The view was of the sports ground, and I could see a lot of very nice-looking men out there, yummy. Eye candy while I study my books, that is, not eye candy. ‘Thank you, Andrew.’ I went to offer him a tip, but he refused and gave me his number if I ever needed a lift. I thanked him again and he left. I unpacked my bags and suddenly felt very alone. I knew no one, in a very large place of people, I was all alone. Luckily I am an easy-going person, or this would have overwhelmed me. I left my room and headed down to find somewhere to eat. I walked around the campus and found the canteen. It was a massive place full of tables and chairs, and a line of people getting food that smelt yummy. I am told there were four canteens. This university had over ten thousand students. I nearly fell on the floor in shock. When I was told how many students there were, this canteen had a nice variety of food, and it was all included in the fees I had already paid. The two years were paid in full by my dad, so I had little to worry about. I had a lot of money I had saved up, so I could go out or buy some new clothes. I was going to look for a part-time job, so I didn’t have to eat all my savings. I thought, as I was looking at being a doctor and the veterinary office is close by, I thought I would see if I could work there and get experience before I do my six-month compulsory term to get my doctorate. Even if it was mucking out the cages, I was good for it. I am not afraid of hard work, and as long as my grades are good I should be okay. I have a very good memory, and school has never been difficult for me. After I had eaten, I walked around the campus, looking at the three large libraries and was told that if I was doing medical, not just doctors and nurses but vets too, and dentists, all sorts of things under medical, that library number two was the one for me. It seemed the libraries had so much to cater for that they broke them up into three buildings. The law and that type of thing were in Library One, medical, and Science number two, and all the other stuff was in number three. It was fascinating, and to find out that we had a lot of shifters here, from different packs, made it even more interesting. We had a park, designated just for us. If you were not a shifter, you could not enter the park area. I'm not sure how that works, as I thought we had a secret, but I guess the university must have its way. As I had a full week before my classes started, I thought about tomorrow when I got up, to visit the vet and see if they needed help, no harm in asking. My bed was nice, not too soft, and I had a comforter I brought with me from the boarding house. It was made by my grandmother, so it was full of familiar smells, and it helped relax me. As I got used to this place, the rooms were all sound-proof, so I did not hear what was going on next door, but I could still smell it. The person next door was entertaining a fella, and I could smell their arousal. I sprayed my room and lit incense hoping that would keep the smell out. I was not interested in that. I was told this whole dorm was all shifters, so I guess the girl next door has either found her mate or does not care about waiting. Not all of the females or males, for that matter, do. I think fewer and fewer of us will wait. The vet was only a fifteen-minute walk from my dorm, and I was there in no time at all. The place was quite large, it had stables outside the back, and this place covered every animal possible. Well, it tries to. It gets calls from the zoo, and the university uses this vet for all its studies. This was a big place and had a research area too. I was impressed with what it had to offer. I entered the white reception area. It had signs for cats to the left and dogs to the right. I went to the right and waited for the receptionist to see me. When she finished the phone call, she stood up and greeted me, she was very polite, and it surprised me, as I am used to more abrasive people, maybe because she is dealing with the public all day long, she is courteous. ‘Hi, I am a new student and was wondering if I could get a job here in my off time?’ I started softly, trying not to look like I wanted her job. ‘Oh, um, yes let me get the head vet and see if he can fit you in.’ she disappeared out the door and I looked around the waiting room, a lady with a small dog on her lap was cuddling, a man with a rather large dog on the other side of the room, both keeping their distance from each other, there were many empty chairs, a water bottle with cups on the side, and a bowl on the floor, which I thought strange. ‘Miss?’ the woman came out of the side door and called me over. ‘You are in luck; he can give you a few minutes this way.’ She turned and I followed her down a hallway that had a white tiled floor and white walls, the occasional picture of an animal was on the walls. We arrived at an open door, and I could tell he was a shifter before I even entered the room. ‘Thank you, Deirdre.’ The man said and the woman left the room, closing the door behind her. ‘Welcome, my name is Wayne the head vet here, and who are you?’ he asked, sniffing me as we talked. He was discreet, but I could tell anyway, and I was not offended, as I did the same when I was in the hall. ‘My name is Roberta, but my friends call me Robby. I will start my studies next week to become a doctor, and this vet is named as my place to spend six months here. I was wondering if I could get a part-time job here.’ I thought I would give him all that he needed in one go. ‘Roberta? Oh, you are the girl from the Blue Ridge pack, sorry for your loss.’ He said softly and I almost burst into tears at the tone of his voice, it was as if he was in the same pain as me. ‘Thank you.’ I whispered back. ‘Yes, if you think you can keep up with your studies, I am more than happy to give you some hours here. What are you looking at?’ ‘I am doing my doctorate in two years, and do have a full schedule. Except for Friday, where I have a half day, I can come that afternoon and do some weekend work, whatever will suit you.’ I offered, feeling I could do more, but wanted to settle in first. ‘Are you sure? That is a lot of studies all at once. Will you keep up?’ He sounded ‘Yes, sir, I have a very good memory, so I have little problems with my studies, and as I am only sixteen, I won’t be having a social life yet. I am too young to get into clubs.’ I say half-heartedly, I had no intention of going to bars anyway, or some of those campus parties, I have too much to accomplish and need to keep busy. ‘Then I suggest you come from six am tomorrow, and we shall see how you fit.’ ‘I have all next week off, sir. I can do more hours next week if you like.’ ‘We shall see how the time tomorrow goes, first. Here is some paperwork for you to fill out and take with you. Bring it back tomorrow. Catch you then, I have another patient waiting.’ With that, I was more or less dismissed and I left his office with hope.
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