A Night For Demons

1817 Words

Night in Obelisk. Following the events that happened during that day, a lot of people were taking a well deserved rest. This including the two generals from both Kadish and Sirza. Then there is Queen Alice, Damian, Cleo, and Blaze. All of which have retreated to the comfort of their beds. Regaining their energy for the day ahead. Unfortunately, crime never sleeps. And at that moment, Bishop Timothy freely roamed the streets of the kingdom. A man who, just like all the unfortunate men that has come in contact with the witch, has fallen for her spells. Making Timothy do her bidding without any question nor hesitation – killing anyone who goes in his way. Soldiers detected him of course. With the bracelets designed to detect dark mana, it was easy for them to track him down as, the cryst

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