Lycan King

1513 Words

Primordial wolf. Chapter 21. King Mateo’s stance. I secretly wish for one, but it seems that I have been cursed to live alone my entire life without my mate. Is there a need for me to be the most noble man in the Lycan kingdom without my queen ruling beside me? I don’t feel the need to rule without my mate again. I have always wanted a queen. The person who will be mine. A queen who I intend to shower lavishly with gifts for the rest of my life. I have sought her out for many years without ever finding her. I have hope that I will find her one day and my life will be complete. I'm incomplete without her in my life. I look forward to the day when I will find my queen and together we will protect our kingdom. My name is Mateo Morrison. The most powerful and noble king in the history of

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