Mateo !

1425 Words

Mateo. After my mate flees, I stand there like an i***t. She must work here, so finding her will be simple. The owner of this club is a friend of mine, as well as the Alpha of the Night Walker Pack. I’ll track you down, little wolf. You’ll never be able to get away from me. You are destined to be mine for the rest of my life. I enter the room from which she has come out. Oh, my god. It’s very bloody. I can’t believe what I’m seeing. Did she do it all by herself? She has the courage to kill in the human realm. I like her. I should assist her in cleaning up the mess. "Josh," I mink link him. "Your presence is needed here, right now." "My king," he responds. "I will be right there." I see him running towards me after severing the mind link. "My king, what is wrong?" He walks in and is ta

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