Chapter 3

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They got two blocks before Annie noticed Sara's sour face. She let out a sigh, "What is it now Sara?" "If you're going to ask me like that, I don't really want to respond." She did though, taking a deep breath and launching into whatever was bothering her now. "I never lie to him, Annie. I have never lied to Kaleb and I just had to and I hate it. Why can't we tell him?" "Because it's not his business to know!" "But it's Kaleb, he won't tell anyone and I really hate lying to him. He'll probably cancel his party and show up anyway and then I'll feel really bad." "Well then you shouldn't have volunteered to do this." Annie made a left hand turn. It was getting heated in the car and they were both under a lot of stress. Annie was worried and Sara was worried for her. Everything just kind of felt like it was ripping at the seams and neither knew how to hold on to the frayed fabric. At a red light, Annie stopped the car and looked over at Sara. She didn't like arguing with her about anything. Nine times out of ten, she'd rather just keep herself quiet then argue with her best friend. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say it like that, I just... I'm freaking out right now and it was hard enough telling you, you know?" But she could still see the unhappy look on her best friend's face. It would be better to relent now anyway. Besides, it wasn't her reputation that was going to get a black mark spread across it. "If you want to tell him, you can." She said, running her fingers through her short blonde hair. Her chest was filled with tight knots and all she could think about was the test in that bag. Maybe that was the problem. Maybe she should be thinking more about the brunette in the passenger seat who felt very uncomfortable lying to one of her best friends. Annie pointed a finger at Sara, "But I swear to you, if he tells a single living being, I'll have no problem killing him and selling you into slavery, got it?" As much as the words were the ones that she wanted to hear, it was a really difficult position to be in. Sara wanted to be truthful to Kaleb, but she always wanted to be the friend that Annie could rely on. Right now Annie needed someone to uphold the promise she made when she first told her she might be pregnant. They had been sitting in her room and Annie had been close to tears before she blurted it out. To see tears in her best friend's eyes was just a hammer, telling her just how serious all of this was. Annie didn't cry. In fact, Sara couldn't remember a time in their whole lives that she'd seen her cry. Looks like her decision was already made. Sara reached over the console and put her hand on top of Annie's and gave it a little squeeze. "No, it's okay. I'm not going to tell anyone. I just really don't like keeping things from him." Besides, Sara thought to herself, it wasn't like she was being completely truthful with Kaleb about the boy she'd been semi seeing lately. Gavin Locke. Grungy long hair, hung out with the stoners, but killer brown eyes... and amazingly kissable lips. If she could keep that secret for herself, she could keep this one for her best friend. "Besides, I don't think I'd like slavery all that much. I'm more into people doing things for me." They both bust out into laughter. It was a great tension breaker, though that wouldn't last long. "So," Sara started tentatively. "Should we go back to your place and find out if your body's a bakery?" . . . . . . Savannah Maxwell wasn't a stupid girl but she was ambitious. And when her ambitions were set high, nothing could stand in her way. That's a fact that her cousin Georgia Locke knew very well. While Georgia didn't always agree with whatever new kooky plan Savannah concocted, she did love her best friend and often went along for the ride. Even if only to make sure her friend didn't get in too much trouble. Today was going to be no different. It was a game day, which naturally leads towards the after game party at their friend Kaleb's house. School had let out and while the basketball game wasn't slated to start until seven that night, Savannah had already emptied her closet many times over to find the perfect outfit for the party. Georgia peered over the top of her history text book and stared at the long legged blonde that was busy holding up two different dressed against her body in front of the full length mirror that hung over the closet door. It looked like a bomb had gone off in that room, but that was usually par for the course. Savannah would pick out an outfit the weekend prior and by the time game night came along, she wasn't happy with it. So she'd search for hours until finally deciding on the original outfit she'd pick, happy as a clam. Georgia let out a sigh, not particularly pleased that her studying time was being interrupted. She was in the middle of reading about one of her favorite characters in history, Henry VIII. "You've looked through everything you own. Twice! Haven't you found anything yet?" Georgia asked. While she loved her cousin, sometimes she wished she would be a little less high maintenance. Like herself. Georgia fully planned on wearing the jeans, t-shirt and sneakers she'd worn earlier that day. "I've found plenty." Savannah said with a sigh, throwing both dresses to the ground with a frustrated sigh. "Just nothing that screams 'I'm about to have my first time with the man of my dreams.' It's a very special night, Gi, and I need the right outfit to express that." She picked up a spaghetti strap black dress and slipped her head through the space between the dress and the hanger. Then she pulled her hair up into a messy ponytail to see how her neck looked. She wanted to look sexy. For years she'd gone from crushing on Randy Foxx, to being pretty damn sure he was the love of her life. But he was friends with her older sister, Annie. And with that said, you just aren't supposed to date your friend's younger sister. But tonight all of that would change. Georgia lofted an eyebrow. She realized in that moment, this was the time when none of her attempts at studying would matter. Every night had that moment and Georgia knew exactly what it felt like. It mostly felt like frustration, but this time it was mixed with a big helping of confusion. "First time?" She closed the text book and put it down on her bedside table before crossing her legs Indian style as she pulled her hair into a ponytail at the back of her neck. "Last time you tried to come on to Randy, I thought he said it would never happen between you two. When did he change his mind?" With an abject look into the mirror, Savannah grinned, took the black dress off then dumped it into the pile with the rest of the discarded clothes. "He didn't." She said simply. Then she spotted a beautiful red dress, strapless and snug in all the right places. Turning back to Georgia, Savannah held the red dress against her. "But he will when he sees me in this." She could see herself wearing it with a pair of matching heals. She could see Randy Foxx looking at her with those beautiful hazel eyes. His shaggy chestnut hair would fall in front of his face when he'd lean in to kiss her. Then his fingers would slide down the zipper of her dress and peel it from her body. She squealed a little and turned to check herself out in the mirror. Yep, this was the one. She put the dress back on the hanger and hung it from the door handle before going to her knees to search out a pair of strappy red heals. Bemused, Georgia rolled her eyes. "Okay one, that's the dress you tried on first and said it made you look easy. Two, that is wrong is so many ways that I couldn't even begin to count them all. And three, I know I've asked this a million times already, but why can't you just move on from him? He said no, Savvy. And there are tons of guys that want to get with you. Hell, practically all of the guys in our class. What about Mark from Pre-Calc? He's really nice." With an upturned nose, the blonde chuckled, "Mark from math club? I don't think so. Besides, he smells like sour milk when he talks." "But he's really nice, and I know for a fact he likes you." She knew this because once upon a time she'd had a crush on Math Club Mark. He'd even asked her to hang out once. Georgia had been excited until she found out he wasn't there for her. He just hung out to get a better glimpse of her beautiful cousin. "And he doesn't smell like sour milk." Leaning back on a pile of pillows, Georgia let out a sigh.
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