Chapter 6-1

977 Words

Chapter 6“What are you talking about?” Garrett growled. Glancing around, he saw he’d made a huge miscalculation. Powers had henchmen everywhere. The Fury were outnumbered at least two to one. “Put the gun down, Mr. Willard, and we’ll talk.” Russell was soft-spoken, but Garrett could hear the steely edge to his voice. Slowly, Garrett and the others lowered their weapons. “That’s right, that’s right. Very good.” Russell motioned. “Down on the ground.” Mica and Bones both looked to Garrett for guidance. Garrett didn’t move. Giving up their weapons meant giving up their last shred of power. Russell wasn’t having it. “Now, please. Or I’m afraid I’ll have to have my men put a bullet through our friend’s head.” Garrett glanced at the others and gave the slightest of nods. The Fury put their

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