Chapter 15

825 Words

Chapter 15Garrett was dying. He had a serious case of constant blue balls, and it was only gonna get worse if he kept sharing a house with Kelsey. Kelsey and her tight skirts and blouses that made her look like a sexy librarian or some s**t. Kelsey who wore pumps with low heels, even though she wasn’t in some office somewhere – she was just walking around the house. Making dinner or watering the plants or checking her phone… He could hear her coming a mile away just by the sound of those heels on the hardwood floors. And he got hard each time he heard the sound. Sometimes she went barefoot. She had these small, perfect, elegant feet. Toenail polish that was, like, some kind of light purple. Lavender? Whatever it was, it was flawless, never a chip in it. And God, sharing a bed with her …

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