
1265 Words
BELLADONNA I opened my eyes quickly, a frustrated sigh was heard from beside me and a sharp pain evoloping my chest. “You will be called in soon, Miss Belladonna, you have to be still.” Her voice was low but it was obvious she was frustrated, I didn’t pay any attention to her, my eyes hovered all around me, it looked like I was in a make up set and a large round mirror above the wall, the lady that exclaimed earlier had a make up brush in her hand and held it close to my face, I looked from the make up brush to her face in both anger and confusion. “What are you doing?” I glared and she swallowed before standing straight. “I take it that you’re getting post marriage stress.” She laughed. “Today is your wedding day, Miss, your wedding to your mate, Alpha Hayden.” I instantly hopped from the chair, sending the makeup brush in her hand flying, “that’s not possible, I… I died and…” it was then it hit me, The moon goddess had heard my pleas and she had sent me back to today, three years ago, the day I made the worst mistake of my life. I heard my wolf, Astrid, rumble in my stomach and a smile was planted on my lips. ‘I’ve heard of this happening once in a blue moon, people being reborn, we are Lucky Bella.’ She mindlinked Placing my hand over my stomach, I had an instant flash back of that night, what they did to my unborn triplets. ‘We are back and we are going to make them pay, I swear it.’ A hand came on my neck softly and it brought me back to reality. “Are you okay? Do we need to see the Herbalist?” The beauty designer stated and I smiled before shaking my head. I remembered this, I remembered it perfectly and it was the happiest day of my life, how stupid was I, I looked at the wedding dress that my b***h of a best friend and sister had hand picked for me and If I was right, if I was really reborn and If the moon goddess wasn’t playing tricks on me, then Tamara would be coming in, in 2 seconds. The wooden door bursted open. “Happy marriage day, Sister!” She screamed, her hands wild open and a gift box in one of it. Anger burned through me on seeing her again, I rushed towards her and I knew my wolf was talking but I heard nothing, I felt my hand go up and a hot slap landed on her checks. “Hey! Why would you…” she screeched, holding her cheek, staring at me with disbelief. ‘We were given a second chance, Belladonna, we have to use it wisely and destroy them from inside.’ Astrid, my wolf said, feeling disappointed with my reaction. “Thank you, Bestie.” I half screamed, feigning excitement as I dragged her by her hand and pulled her into a tight hug. “The slap was just to make sure this whole ceremony is real.” She laughed and modded before handing the gift box to me, I already knew what it contained, An ointment and some hair care brushes. “I'm So happy for you, let’s go out there, everyone is waiting.” She smiled and I nodded. Minutes later of replaying the same events that happened three years ago, I was finally standing beside Hayden on the small spiral Moon alter for our sacred marriage. For the first time, the Betas got to attend a sacred marriage. In the moonlight pack, being a Beta equally meant being of low status but I was a beta and being married and mated to Hayden, the alpha promoted me to a Luna, it didn’t change fate for other betas like me but but at least they got to experience this. “— This blessed union made by the moon goddess herself.” The priestess smiled, holding out a ring to Hayden who took it, he kept looking at me, excitement in his eyes, I tried my best to keep sane when all I wanted to do was pull my claws into his stomach and pull his intestines out, he was going to pay for what he did to me, to our kids. “Do you, Hayden Blackwood, take this lovely Lady, Belladonna Xania as your Luna, your mate and wife? To trust, love and always pick her first no matter what.” He looked at me, his eyes were smiling and he opened his dirty mouth to say the words. “I do.” He lied, he was nothing but a stupid liar. “And do you, Belladonna, take him, as you husband and mate?” The priestess turned to me, I glanced beside me and I met icy blue eyes, the same once I remembered seeing that day that made my heart skip beats, my heart did it again and it wasn’t Hayden, it was someone else. The priestess called out again, still holding the perfectly smithed rings. “Belladonna?” “No, I do not.” I Replied, my chin up high and my fists folded, gasps filled the air, Hayden looked at me in confusion. “What?” He muttered, looking genuinely consigned about me. Piece of horse s**t! “Belladonna, are you fine?” I ignored him and turned to the crowd that consisted of familiar faces, shock plastered all over them. “I, Belladonna, Xenia, Beta in the Moonlight pack, Reject you, Hayden Blackwood, Alpha of Moonlight pack.” Hurt filled his eyes and a smirk came up on mine, this was just the beginning. The priestess looked like she had found her voice again. “Then so be it, this ceremony has come to An end.” I didn’t wait to see the expression on people’s faces because I already knew the implication of what I did, it meant that I was not a Luna anymore, I was no one important, I was back to being a beta with no authority. “Why did you do that?” Tamara sneaked up behind me and I rolled my eyes in a disgusted Mmanner. “If you want to be Luna, you ’might want to get married to him, now is your chance.” I turned to her and she gasped. “No… um… Ofcourse not.” She cleared her throat. “It’s just that this would have brought our family’s status up a bit, Dad wouldn’t have to clean for the royal family anymore.” I stared at her, thinking of how much I loved, trusted and cherished her, it disgusted me so bad. “Exactly my point, Tamara, Marry the Alpha.” I forced a smile before holding her arm and shifting her aside, out of my way but also making sure to dig my nails deep enough into her shoulder to leave a scar. More curious eyes were on me and just as I was about to turn, i ran into hard muscles and my wolf fluttered deep within me, goosebumps and butterflies gripped my body and stomach and that was when I looked up at him. “Hello, Belladonna.” The most powerful Lycan king in north hill said, Those icy blue eyes from earlier were staring back up at me. I gasped when my wolf, Astrid, said the one word that cut off my breath. ‘Mate.’

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