Chapter11: An Unfortunate Incident

2192 Words

“I’m sorry, Royce, but tonight will not be an early night for you.” Minerva’s words were the last thing that Royce wanted to hear. Unfortunately, part of her knew that she would. She exhaled anxiously. “What else is there to do, Ms. Duncan?” asked Royce. “We’ve cleaned this packhouse from rafters to the floor boards; made everyone’s bed, washed every single article of clothing of every single member of the packhouse. What else is there to do?” “Dinner,” She replied. “Dinner?” This was ridiculous. “Since when is dinner so important that they need people serving them?” “It’s always this way when we have a visitor at Marsh Haven,” said Mrs. Duncan. “Have you forgotten so soon that you were once one of the guests at the table during these special times.” “Way to be humbled,” Katya said

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