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CHAPTER 3: MAGGIE –––––––– Maggie clutched her purse to her side as she stepped off the elevator and walked into Terry’s suite of offices. No one would know she carried a mystery, s*x toy in her handbag. Mystery. Ha. She couldn’t believe the jerk had locked the box. It was insulting that he didn’t trust her. “Hi, Maggie,” said Rebecca, Terry’s assistant. “Hi. Is Terry in there?” She nodded at the closed door to her right. The juncture between her legs already throbbed for him, eager to try whatever new, secret pleasure he had planned. “No. He said to give you this.” Rebecca handed her an envelope. “Thanks.” She opened it, staring at a piece of paper with the number 303 scrawled across it and a key. It must be to the office downstairs.“Have a nice weekend.” She turned and headed for

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