Chapter one the taken
Queenie started her good morning routine like an everyday thing, of course, of course, took a shower, washed her hair, ate some breakfast and first got dressed. She remembered to lock her apartment as she began to walk her way to work. She loved working at the library. Of course, of course, she. If we felt a nice beautiful spring breeze, the birds were chirping in the air. What a beautiful day Queenie thought to herself. She was bound and determined to have a great day. Little did she know her world was about to be turned upside down? All of a sudden, out of nowhere a flash of lightning struck in front of her body immediately, and she immediately moved away, frightened and trying to think about how there could be a flash of lightning if there were clear skies. When she saw the man with golden eyes looking at her and standing with words that scared her more than normal, "There you are my bride," said Zeus. Queenie was very confused and a little shocked when she finally came to her senses. She turned around to get away from the stranger but then shimmering water began to form in front of her as she looked at this man. Now his eyes were ocean blue. It crept out more than anything. She knew she had to get away from them as soon as possible. Poseidon attempted to look friendly, but unfortunately, it just frightened Queenie more. She knew she had to call for some sort of help. When she reached her phone, she began to call 911. She felt like her life was in danger or worse, began to dial her phone and began to smoke almost like a fire. She dropped it immediately as it began to burn and then she saw a man with black eyes and reminded her of death. Queenie attempted to run. However, Zeus immediately grabbed her in a soothing tone, saying," Now, now Queenie, it would be better for all of us if you didn't fight." Of course, it made it worse when Queenie started to fight in an attempt to escape, but Hades appeared in front of her. His eyes were cold but his gentle words said," my my my Queenie, you are beautiful". Queenie continued to fight. Get free. Every inch was pinned, and she began to kick and scream as loud and as hard as she could. Zeus then smiled, admiring her for being feisty. Hades was very impatient and had things to do. Of course, he's the god of the underworld in a stern voice "let's go". Zeus thought it was so easy to drag to the car. Queenie never stopped screaming or kicking. She screeched at the top of her lungs. "Let go of me help somebody help." Poseidon thought if you tried to comfort her, maybe she'd calm down. After all, Zeus's kind of an airhead when it came to women. Poseidon gently as he could grab her waist and put his finger on her lips and said shhh.Queenie then bites Poseidon's finger and he immediately let go. This was her chance. She ran as fast as her legs could take her. She remembered a secret hiding spot. Queenie hunched down in the hiding area. Very few people knew about this hiding spot knew she covered her mouth trying to calm down and wipe away the tears, but fear was taking over the thoughts in her head about what would happen to me. She could hear them calling her name. How would they know her name? That scared her even more? She could hear them all call her name. She began to tear up as the voices were growing closer and closer, panic took over and she ran to the lake and began to swim as hard as she could. She met a friend who lived on this lake. If she could swim, maybe there would be a chance of help and she would take those chances and be careful not to be discovered. Queenie swam, for almost there, she thought, but then Poseidon appeared in the water and grabbed her and immediately struggled with her. She was scared he was going to drown her in a gentle tone" come now you're starting to worry us". Poseidon could see her lips turning blue. She's freezing. He telepathically talks to his brother and says, " I'm going to throw her in the air to catch her." Queenie screamed as Poseidon threw her so high in midair. Zeus gently grabbed her hand and smiled at her. He was in the car. She was wet and cold and exhausted from fighting. Hades saw her shivering, snapped his fingers to warm her up and dry her clothes. Queenie wasn't cold anymore, but still scared, tearing up. Hades held her inside the car. Queenie began to cry and scream louder, begging them to let her go. Hades was getting irritated by the helpless crying eyes. He couldn't take it anymore and used a very angry tone," Don't ever do that again." Queenie felt extremely helpless. These men used magic. She could not fight now that she was just a simple human. Poseidon picked up on her stress and tried to confront her by grabbing her hand in a very soothing tone and said," easy baby. Queenie removed his hand away from her and screamed, banging on the car, trying to get out more. Zeus couldn't stand it anymore, hearing her screaming. Zeus then gazes into her eyes as he touched her face, used his magic and put her to sleep. Hades is three more irritated. It was sad enough that Queenie was very scared of them. You look at his brother Zeus and ask if you can. You can see she's frightened. What do you expect? Zeus's eyes were saddened. He immediately felt guilt and said, I can't stand her crying and screaming. Poseidon also sympathized with both parties and said,' I know right, it's too much.' Hades carried her inside, then handed her off to Zeus for just a moment as they unlocked the door to their home. Poseidon then said I'll set her on the couch." In a matter of minutes, Queenie woke up and then got up. They all looked at her and proceeded with caution. After all, the poor thing frightened Poseidon and then attempted to walk towards her in a soft tone. Poseidon asked," are you okay? Queenie began to tear up, thinking it was no I'm not okay you guys kidnapped me. Of course, she didn't dare to say it out loud but Hades then handed her a water bottle. She was very hesitant to take it. After all, after all, it could be drugged. Look at Queenie. I was so thirsty and that water bottle looked very refreshing that she gave in and sipped it slowly, calmed down.Zeus walked slowly toward her, remembering that she was probably scared of him the most after knocking out Zeus's voice. He was very remorseful and said" I'm sorry for scaring you." Queenie finally got the courage in a quiet, very scared voice to ask "Why am I here ?". Poseidon smirked with relief. He honestly thought she was going to fight more and, in a serious tone, said" You got picked to marry one of us ." Queenie was dumbfounded and shocked, tears falling down her face and began to beg and plead no I do not want to be a part of this ." Hades felt bad for her trying to put himself in her shoes after all that we just did was not cool said," we know, but if not, our mother will pick for you." Queenie was still crying but got the courage to say no, I refused. Zeus chimed in a non-threatening way, but this is what would happen, tone "you don't have a choice." Hades looked worried you her, as she was nothing more than a fragile thing, a mortal. After all. This Queenie then stood up and shouted in an angry tone and said, You can't keep me here. This is against the law. But Poseidon touched her arm, trying to finish what Zeus said earlier but more, sufficiently, and said" you have 3 months to pick one of us.Zeus was lost in her beauty, then. He touched her face, acting possessive in a very stern tone. He said," Don't think about escaping." Hades could see the fear in her eyes and immediately moved his brother's hand, saying, "Brother, give her some space." Hades gestured his hand to show her new home and showed her the kitchen and everything, then the last but not least her room and Poseidon Zeus and Hades both said, all together Queenie "please give us a chance". Poseidon appeared out of nowhere and said, "Every night you have to spend time with each of us." Hades smiled and was kind of happy to get on a date with her. Queenie looked around and saw a window, thinking to herself. Maybe if I broke the windows, I could escape. Poseidon chimed in, distracting. Queenie, from her plan, said," So tomorrow you spend time with me, okay". Queenie felt helpless and angry about who they were to decide, but this was God she was talking to and said, please release me." Hades hugged her tightly, and she felt a little comfort, oddly, considering they kidnapped her, and said, "we know sweetheart." Then Zeus kissed her cheek. Queenie wiped it off in disgust and said, " Good night baby". Hades kissed her cheek. Queenie then again wiped it off and said "good night, my love." Poseidon could see her wiping the kisses, then attempted a new spot. He kissed to kiss her. He looked at her hand and then, like a gentle person, kissed it. "See you tomorrow, babe.Queenie felt angry. Then she decided tonight she was going to wait for them to fall asleep. Hours passed. It was midnight, quietly Queenie. Then they tiptoed slowly, heading towards the window. She quietly opened the window and very carefully she saw us in the movie tying the bed sheets in a bed frame so she could climb down safely. Queenie immediately checked to see around for anyone awake. Queenie managed to climb down excited that this really worked nearly to the bottom, and then a one-way ticket to freedom, but suddenly she was unable to move her hands, and stopped working. She lost all control of herself and panic set in. As she looks at the bottom, she sees Hades is very upset and, angered by Queenie's attempt to escape, says, "Queenie nice trying, but do you think we're stupid?". Queenie lost her grip and felt paralyzed. She then began to fall. She didn't understand how things turned this way and why she thought Zeus had caught her and was very concerned and worried about her if she was hurt and bleeding and she asked about her pain. When Queenie was able to feel back in control of her own body, she immediately tried to hit him to get out of his grip, shouting and said, "No let me go." Zeus was surprised by Queenie's actions and thought that it was cute she was trying to fight to chuckle the whole time and said," Sorry baby we knew you would try what I didn't expect was you to fight back". Queenie was embarrassed and angered and moved away from him as quickly as she could, but Poseidon appeared and laughed, saying," Silly girl, we knew you, that was the first thing you were gonna do". Hades grabbed her hand gently in a very concerned manner in almost a begging tone, as well as gently say," Queenie, please don't do that again. You could have gotten seriously hurt." Hades carried her back inside though she fought tooth-and-nail. He then gently set her down and put her down. Queenie was shocked while dealing with a world when mixed of emotions and snapped saying, a choice you keeping me prisoner here is not my choice, I will never choose and I will never marry any of you this is my decision.