Masked Knight

1114 Words
CHAPTER 29 Gabriel *WARNING - THIS CHAPTER HAS SOME VIOLENT CONTENT AND IS NOT SUITABLE FOR SENSITIVE AND UNDER THE AGE OF 18 YEARS READERS. READERS DISCRETION IS ADVISED. My Bella was still in hospital when my men had captured Mason and took him to the location I asked them to. That son of b***h maintained an arrogant attitude even though he was hanging from a beam by heavy chains! By the time I got there, my men had already had lots of fun with him. The place reeked of fresh blood. When I walked in, he started swearing at me and shouted out loud all that he was going to do to me once he was out of there! I just smirked, then gave him one of my dangerous looking glares and asked him who ever had given him that idea? He was going nowhere! Well, he was not going anywhere, still breathing, that is! He kept ranting on about how I was going to regret doing all this for his wh**e, and she was nothing but a pathetic, useless prostitute! Even though hearing all those things he said about my Bella got me livid, I kept my calm and shouted out to my men, to light up the expensive, imported cigars I got them, we were going to celebrate! Yes, we were going to celebrate Mason’s end! I had explained to my men beforehand of all the things that Mason had done to my Bella, and they were more than eager to ensure he got the very same punishment and more! By the time they were done with him, he was not a pretty sight, and before I left, my last instructions to them was to finish him off and to clean up the mess! My men were professionals, I knew I had nothing to worry about, and Alex insisted he was going to have the pleasure of ending that demon’s time on earth! There’s no way my Bella or Jacob would ever get to know about what happened there! I had gone back home, cleaned up, and went back to the hospital as though nothing had happened. It’s been almost a month now since that day. My Bella’s wounds were healing well, but she seemed very distant. I tried talking to her about it, but she always insisted that she was okay. I had a lot to sort out before heading back to town and barely spent time at home. I did explain it to her, and she said that she understood. We also spent a lot of our time together making out out, but I never pushed to go further. Even though it was torturous for me, I had to be considerate. Her wounds were still healing. I sensed her disappointment too, but I wasn’t going to chance it until the doctor cleared her. I was busy in a board meeting when my phone kept ringing. I ignored it as it was not a number I recognized, but thereafter Alex’s phone started to ring. He ignored it the first time, but the second time around, he excused himself and went out to take the call. After a few minutes, he was at the door and motioned for me to come out. That call was from the prison Tara was in. She had apparently taken her own life. I was not sure how my Bella and Jacob were going to take the news, but I had to tell them. At the end of the day, she was their mother. I phoned Arianna and asked for both her and mum to please be present when I break the news to my Bella and Jacob cos I didn’t know what sort of reaction I was going to get from them and mum and Arianna would be able to help offer comfort if needed. My Bella had been asleep when I got home, and Arianna and Mum were busy chatting away with Jacob while making sandwiches in the kitchen. I woke my Bella up gently and asked her to please freshen up and join us downstairs as there was something important we had to discuss. After a few minutes, she came downstairs, and we all went into the living room. There was no use sugar coating things, and I told them what had happened. My Bella and Jacob just exchanged sad looks without saying anything, and after a couple of minutes, she asked for them to be excused for a bit. She wanted to speak to Jacob in private. We nodded in understanding, and mum reassured them that we were there for them and should they need anything, to not be afraid to ask. Mum, Ari, and I waited impatiently for them, and eventually, when they got back, my Bella asked me if I could please help arrange for Tara to be cremated. She said that Jacob told her that he had already considered Tara dead a long time ago and made peace with it and now that she was really dead he did not want to attend a funeral or any sort of send-off for her. She then asked if I could also have the ashes brought to her. She had a place in mind where she wanted to scatter it. After I agreed and told her not to worry about anything, I’d get it all sorted, she hugged my mum, Arianna and Jacob and said that she was going back to bed as she was feeling a bit light headed. She refused for me to accompany her upstairs and said that she would be okay and just needed to sleep it off. Before going up, she stopped at the bottom of the stairs, turned towards me and in a sad but serious tone thanked me for agreeing to sort out Tara's cremation and said that she knew I already had more than enough to deal with and was sorry for being a burden to me. With a morose look on her face, she turned and headed upstairs. A BURDEN to me? What the hell is going on with my Bella to even think that?! I went after her, cos we had to clear up what she had said, but she asked me to please let her get some rest and that we would speak later. When I got back downstairs, mum said that I should let her be for now and give her some space. What have I been doing wrong to have made my Bella think of such things. I thought that with all that happened between us, she would know that I would do just about anything for her Jacob!
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