Master's Loyal Pet

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CHAPTER 48 *WARNING – THE FOLLOWING CHAPTERS HAVE SOME VIOLENT AND SENSITIVE CONTENT AND IS NOT SUITABLE FOR SENSITIVE, AND UNDER THE AGE OF 18 YEARS READERS. READERS DISCRETION IS ADVISED. Bella As I opened my eyes, I looked straight into a pair of beautiful blue, scared looking eyes. They belonged to a girl around fifteen or sixteen. “ Kaiya, come quick! She’s awake!” I heard her call out. Within seconds, another girl about the same age stood before me. I looked around the room we were in, and it was just empty space except for a bucket near the door. There was no furniture or anything. The girl who sat on the floor and was leaning towards me had a bowl of water on her lap and damp cloth in her hand and appeared to have been cleaning me up with it and I was lying there completely naked, my body was covered in bruises. My hands were above my head, and I felt the clamps clawing into my wrists when I tried to pull on it. I was chained to the wall. I tried to speak, but my throat hurt so badly. “Ssshhhh, don’t force yourself to speak. I’m Bethany and that’s my sister Kaiya” As she spoke I wondered how long they had been here and as though reading my mind, Bethany said sadly, my sister and I were kidnapped on our way home from school about three or four months ago, not really sure, I lost count of the days. Master said that he is preparing us for some big annual auction, and if we behave, then he will make sure that Kaiya and I will not be separated.” DAMN THAT B**TARD TO HELL! HOW COULD HE PUT THESE PRECIOUS GIRLS THROUGH THIS? I’M GOING TO KILL HIM!!! I was screaming internally, but I was physically useless. Every bit of my body was aching. My head felt worse. Kaiya knelt down, and she had a syringe in her hand and said, “Master, said that when you wake up, to give you this for the pain.” I shook my head and tried to say no, he was probably trying to get me hooked on drugs, but she gave me the jab forcefully on my arm and continued to say, “He said that we had to take care of you because he was going to make a lot of money off you. He wants you cleaned up for a video recording he is going to make and send to your family for a ransom demand or something. He kept saying he hit the Jackpot with you” Henry must have found out about my relationship with the Knight family. I prayed silently that my baby girl and Erica were unharmed and not kidnapped, too. Please, dear Angels, please keep them safe. The jab helped numb the pain, and I started to feel sleepy again, but I was going to fight it and forced myself to stay awake. The door flung open, and Henry walked in with a couple of his men who were carrying guns. Bethany and Kaiya quickly got up and moved away and stood against a wall. “Aren’t you a pretty sight, my little sl*t! If you had only told me you were now part of the Knight family, we could have made a deal back then, and all of this could have been avoided. Nevertheless, let’s just say that was p*****t for what you did to Mason and Tara. God Bless their souls! Now, I am going to release you from these clamps, and you’re going to be a good little sl*t and put this on. We’re going to make a video and send it to Mr Knight, let’s see how much he’s willing to cough up for you.” I couldn’t’ say anything even though I was swearing at him in my mind. Words were still unable to come out of my mouth. I wondered if Gabriel would even want to pay a ransom for me. I came with unnecessary baggage, I was just damaged goods! After opening up the clamps, my hands fell down to my sides. They felt numb, and I placed them together in front of me only to see my wrists badly bruised. There were also small open cuts with fresh blood, probably from when I tried pulling it down. Henry kicked me hard on my thigh and roared at me to put on the dress he brought. He called out to Kaiya to come help me. Bethany still stood silently against the wall. Once I had the dress on, one of his men brought in a chair. He asked me to sit, and another started to record me while he voiced his demands in the background. As he was speaking, I realized that there was no way he had Erica or my baby girl. He would have mentioned it. A smile plastered my face, knowing that they were safe. A hard smack landed on my face! “WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU SMILING FOR? KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE THROUGH OUT THE RECORDING OR THOSE GIRLS ARE GOING TO START LOSING FINGERS, BECAUSE OF YOU! DELETE THAT RECORDING AND START AGAIN! Henry screamed out loud. I could not allow the girls to get hurt because of me, so I did whatever Henry asked me to for the video. “You look really good on camera, I am tempted not to sell you back to the Knight’s. Perhaps I could turn you into a top P*rn Star! You would like that better, right?” Henry said and laughed out loud like he was possessed by a Demon. He then asked one of his men to go get him a leash, and once he brought it, put it around my neck. Henry reminded me that if I didn’t behave, Bethany and Kaiya were going to face the consequences. He ordered me to go down on all fours like an animal and follow him. He used to do the very same thing to me years back and had me move around with him like a loyal pet during his meetings. It was a power play for him, showing off in the presence of others. Mason was paid handsomely each time Henry required my services. As we left the room, he tugged at the leash and shouted at me to move faster. I took in my surroundings as I followed him like a loyal dog on a leash. I could not rely on Gabriel paying the ransom, I had to find a way to get out of this place!
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