New Beginnings

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CHAPTER 2 Bella "Fifteen minutes to the Stop in Honeyville, folks," said the loud voice that woke me up. Jacob was still asleep, his head snuggled on my lap. "I promise to make things so much better for you, Jakey. I will not let anyone ever hurt us again." I whispered to him while running my fingers through his hair. As we got off the bus, my jaw hung in awe. The only words coming to mind are WOW! WOW! WOW! I look over to Jacob, and his once scared looking eyes are gleaming with excitement. I smile down at him and go in for a hug. "Welcome to our new home town Jakey " I tell him. This town is truly beautiful. It oozes a positive and happy vibe I never thought I would bare witness to. Every side you turn you face happy looking people smiling at each other and every area we have seen in the short while looks, smells and even feels clean and beautiful. "Good morning mam, I am sorry to bother you but could you please assist in pointing me in the direction of a B & B or a place we could book into around here " I ask the lady closest to us. She is BEAUTIFUL, maybe in her late 40s or early 50s, but a stunner nonetheless. She turns to look at me, and her first expression of shock after seeing my bruises quickly disappears and is replaced with one more gentle or compassionate. "Oh, hello there, darling, no bother at all. Y'all must be new to town. Welcome, " She says and grabs Jacob first into a hug and then me. "Ohhhh, isn't he just precious. What's ya name handsome? " "This is my brother Jacob and I am Bellatrix but you can call me Bella mam" I tell her and then to my surprise, I hear Jacob's shy voice coming through " can call me Jakey" I look down only to find Jacob smiling from ear to ear and his cheeks blushing red. "Please, no more of calling me mam, my name is Brianna, but everyone calls me Brie. I know the perfect place for you two, " she says with a happy smile on her face. I was thankful that she didn't ask any questions about where we are from or why we came here. Perhaps my bruises told a silent story. I was just about to thank her when another voice cut me off. "Sorry to keep you waiting, aunt Brie," a girl who looked to be around my age shouted out as she hugged Brie. "This is my niece Arianna, she's just arrived for the summer holidays," she explained that she came to pick her up from the bus station, and she then introduced Jacob and I to her niece "How about I drop you and lil Jakey off at the place I told ya about? It's on our way home, " Brie offered. The angels were truly looking over us. I looked up to the heavens and said a silent prayer of appreciation and then to Brie and thanked her for her kindness and offer to help. When we got to the B & B, Brie asked us to take a seat at what looked like a main reception area. We watched her as she approached a woman who also looked to be around Brie's age. This town is truly blessed with beautiful looking people. I can't hear what they are saying to each other but did not miss the glances the lady took towards us as Brie spoke."Hello there Precious, my name is Amber, and Brie tells me you both are new in town and looking for a place to stay. Are you just passing or looking to settle down here? " Amber asks me. " It's a pleasure to meet you, Amber, and we are hoping to settle down here if I can find myself a job," I tell her. The money I saved will run out in a few days, and I have to find a job to provide for Jacob and myself. "Well then, Precious, today, sure is your lucky day. As you can see out there on the notice board, I am looking for a receptionist and a bit of help around this place. Would you be interested?"Yes, yes ma'am! I am definitely interested!" I screamed out with joy and excitement. "Great to hear, Precious, now come, let me show yourll to where you'll be staying. Welcome to the family, " said Amber. 2 YEARS LATER I can't believe it's already 2 years since Jacob and I moved to Honeyville. Everyone here has truly been so amazing and welcomed us with open, warm hearts. Amber and Brie went all out in ensuring Jacob and I were safe and happy. I had opened up to them and told them everything that happened and why we had to run away. They both cried their eyes out listening to all that we had endured and promised to help protect us. Arianna and I had become best friends, and I always look forward to her coming to town when she is on study breaks. Our first Christmas here, Amber, had gifted me a phone. This helped me keep in contact with Arianna when she went back home. I am still working as a receptionist at B & B and also work part-time at the town's library. I love my second job as it gives me an opportunity to fulfill my passion for exploring the world through books. Jacob has also settled in well and is growing into a much happier, confident, and handsome boy. With Amber's help, we got him enrolled in the community school, and though it took a bit of time to come out of his shell, he did and now boasts many friends. Even I made some friends but regard Arianna as my bestie. I miss her so much and am impatiently counting down the days. She is due back to visit in a few weeks. This time around, her older brother will be bringing her through as he is apparently coming down on a business trip. Arianna told me that he had taken over their family business from their dad a few years back and because of his hardwork and commitment, the business has grown more and is very successful and well known all over the world. Arianna is so proud of him and sometimes gets carried away bragging about him during our calls. I don't mind cos she let's me brag about Jacob's achievements in school and sports too. Got to love my bestie.
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