Knight takes Time Off

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CHAPTER 41 Bella The family reunion was way more intense than I expected, especially the way Gabriel reacted when he saw us. I didn’t want to be held responsible for giving the man a heart attack! I considered going to him, but I couldn’t because his mum had me in a tight hug and was an emotional wreck, and then before I knew it, I too started crying buckets loads of tears . When things settled a bit and Gabriel managed to pull himself together, he approached me, took hold of my hand, and asked me to follow him. Once we were in the room, he kissed me! I was truly surprised cos I mentally prepared myself for maybe a hard slap across my face and harsh words. Watching him with Athena got me feeling all guilty for running away. In my defense, I truly believed I did the right thing, I thought he was a cheater and made a mockery out of me! I got really annoyed when he went on and on about what he had to go through after I left. I also suffered from leaving! At least he had MY brother! Also, his parents and Arianna. I had no family to comfort and support me. Sure, I had Erica and Neo, but it was not the same. Yes, yes, I know, it was a choice I made, so the hurt and loneliness I felt was self-inflicted! Right? I thought that we could come to some sort of arrangement with regards to him visiting and spending time with Athena, but instead, he wanted to move in with us. I tried to come up with excuses why he shouldn’t but Gabriel, being Gabriel, had answers for everything! I lived in a two bedroom flat, and I turned the smaller one into Athena’s nursery. I could move her into my room, and we would have to just get a bed for him. I was not planning on sharing my bed with him. Things happened way too fast the first time around! I was deep in thought and didn’t notice Gabriel’s mother sitting down next to me. I snapped out of it when she gave me a side hug and thanked me for making her birthday so special. She said that she couldn’t have asked for a better gift. I turned around and gave her a full, loving hug. She then started asking questions about my pregnancy and about when Athena was born, and we continued chatting for what seemed like hours. Gabriel had asked Margaret, the head of their housekeeping team, to pack up a bag for him. She always packed for him when he went on business trips and was familiar with his needs. He told her not to pack any business wear but more casual. He also informed everyone that he was going to be taking some time off work, and his dad offered to keep an eye on things and offered to help out if Alex needed him. Gabriel said that he had full faith in Alex, but it would give him peace of mind knowing his dad was there to step in and help if the need arises. He thanked his dad and told him to please make sure that they only call him in the event of a major emergency. He doesn’t want to be bothered with work matters during his time off. He wanted to spend time bonding with his daughter. He didn’t mention anything about wanting to spend time with me though, oh well, what did I expect! It was getting late, and I asked him if we could leave as I didn’t want to be out late with Athena. After an abundance of hugs and kisses, we were on our way. I was so surprised to find a baby car seat already fitted in the SUV Gabriel had chosen to drive. He told me that while I was on a chatting marathon with his parents and Arianna, he arranged for one of their driver’s to make arrangements and get it installed. The bakery was already closed when we arrived so we went straight to the flat. I knew Erica must be worried about how things went, and I decided to message her later with an update. I expected Gabriel to complain about how small it was, but instead, he said that it felt so cozy and filled with love. Anyone who walked into the flat would guess that there’s a baby around cos everything screamed a ‘baby lives here’! Every side you turned there were cute stuffed animals, baby toys, story books, and so much more. Erica and Neo truly spoiled Athena. Whenever they went out shopping, they would apparently find something cute and decided that she just had to have it. Gabriel took it upon himself to look around without me offering. He looked so happy with everything he saw, and here I was thinking he would say he made a mistake and would not be able to stay at the flat. I explained to him about the second bedroom, and he refused. He said that he couldn’t kick his princess out of her room. He checked the couch out. It was actually one of those pull out sleeper couch ones and said that it would be perfect. I could not understand what was going on in that mind of his! I asked him to watch Athena as I went to prepare her bath. When I got back, Gabriel was lying down on the couch and had his arms protectively around Athena as she rested comfortably on his chest. They both had dozed off. I slowly pulled out my phone and took a photo. Another PICTURE PERFECT MOMENT! I didn’t have the heart to disturb them and gently placed a throw over them. I quickly sent Erica a message and then started to clean up the flat, trying hard not to be noisy. I put on a fresh pot of coffee, and I was going to continue with the cleaning when the chest of drawers on the passage way caught my eye. I used it mostly for our towels, so I decided to clear it out and put some of Gabriel’s stuff in there. I was humming softly to myself as I sat on the floor and neatly packed Gabriel’s clothes into the drawers, when I suddenly heard, “You look absolutely divine!” I turned around, only to find Gabriel, now in a sitting position on the couch, and his eyes were glued on me. Athena was still sound asleep in his arms. “Thanks! I figured you couldn’t live out of a bag whilst you're here, so I got some of your stuff packed in these drawers. I will try and make room for the other stuff tomorrow” I told him and then he responded, “Thank you my love, but remember, you don’t have to worry about making me comfortable here, I will see to my needs and make do. I am even okay with living out of my bag” Urghhhhh! This man can really get on my nerves, with his damn sexy deep voice and having comebacks for everything! Fine! He can do whatever he wants, I’m just going to pretend he’s not in my space and not bother to do anything for him!
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