From Rags to Riches

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CHAPTER 27 Gabriel We were asked to leave so that Bella could rest cos as small as the movement may have been to us. It would have taken a lot of strength from her. Both Jacob and I reminded her how much we loved her and told her that we would be back later to see her. Before leaving the hospital, I got a copy of the visiting hours schedule. I couldn't wait to get my Bella moved to our hospital. We wouldn’t have to worry about going insane waiting for visiting hours to see her. My family owns the hospital, and she will definitely be getting the VVIP treatment there! Bella Jacob lay next to me on my hospital bed, and upon my request, he read my favorite book to me . While he was busy reading, my mind was filled with thoughts of all that happened over the past few weeks. Apparently, I took waaày longer to regain consciousness than what was expected, and even the doctor started to worry. Thankfully, I did, though, but at first, I was extremely delirious and couldn’t recognize anyone. I got so stressed out cos I could not remember what had happened to me and didn't know those around me that I ended up having a full-blown panic attack. Gabriel was the only one who was able to calm me down , and after a bit of time, it subsided. After a while, I started having flashbacks, which caused severe pain in my head, and it worsened the more I remembered. It was so unbearable that I screamed out loud uncontrollably. Jacob had become so emotional seeing me having one of those "episodes," that the doctor insisted he be taken out of the room. Ari had stepped in and took him away, and got him to calm down. Once I remembered everything that had happened, the pain in my head eased, and my condition started to improve. Aunt Brie, Uncle Joe, and Amber came to see me the day before I was transferred to the hospital in the city. They, too, had been worried sick about me. Ari had been giving them updates on my progress, and they were so relieved to see that my condition had improved when they came to visit. Once the doctor was confident enough that I was doing better and was much stronger, he gave the go-ahead for my transfer to the hospital in the city. The hospital was a MAJOR, upgrade from the previous one! My room itself was incredible! It oozed luxury and comfort like I have never ever seen before. It was more like a five-star hotel room than a hospital room. Every side I turned, everything was so beautiful and in an immaculate condition. There were also so many bouquets of fresh flowers, most of which were compliments of Gabriel. I am so thankful to everyone, especially Gabriel, for looking after Jacob in my absence. They seem to have really bonded and become so much closer. Jacob is so comfortable around Gabriel now, too, and I have been observing them silently. Sometimes, during their visits, Jacob would all of a sudden go over to Gabriel and give him an arm or side hug without saying a word and Gabriel would pick him up like a small child while smiling lovingly at him and also a couple times when it had gotten rather late, Jacob fell asleep and Gabriel carried him like a precious baby throughout the remaining time of the visit and also left with him safely tucked in his arms. My heart always felt like it was going to explode from an overdose of happiness during those priceless moments. From the time he entered this world, and except for what I could give him, Jacob was starved of love and attention, and now that he was getting so much of it from Gabriel and his family, he was thoroughly enjoying every bit of it. The joy and happiness on his face say it all. Both Gabriel and Jacob seem to truly love each other’s company. I met Gabriel’s parents whilst in hospital. It was definitely not how I had planned to meet them and I was so embarrassed at first that they had to meet me when I was in such a terrible state but they erased all of my negative thoughts and feelings. They are amazing ! His mother has been fussing over me as though I was her very own daughter. She brought me home cooked meals every day and made sure I was fully stocked up with toiletries and fresh sets of pajamas for each day. She also made it her daily task to brush my hair and plait it, which she seemed to thoroughly enjoy. My bestie was as always my number one fan, and even though there were nurses at my beck and call, she took on the responsibility of helping me bathe and get dressed. She had the nurses teach her how to take care of my wounds so that she wouldn’t hurt me when bathing me and she was over the moon when she learned how to change my wounds dressings. She and Gabriel would constantly argue cos he would say that it's his responsibility to do all those things for me and she would not take defeat. Her famous line became “She was my Bestie before she became your woman, Gabe, so I have more rights doing these kinds of things for her than you do, so back off!” Their parents, Jacob and I, would laugh ourselves silly watching the siblings argue over such petty things. I was still deep in thought when Gabriel walked into the room, followed by his parents and Ari. And, like the routine it had become, I received my daily dose of soft hugs and kisses. Jacob then started to teasingly complain to Gabriel, “What do you think of Bell? She asked me to read her favorite book to her, but her mind floated to God knows which cloud” and completed with a dramatic eye roll. “Awwww, I’m sure Bella has her reasons, bud, but for now , how about we just blame it on her meds? And how about you read some of that book to me tonight?” Gabriel told him, and Jacob nodded a yes, smiling happily. Then Gabriel and Arianna’s mother said, “Bell, my darling girl, you are going to be discharged tomorrow. Isn’t that great news? You'll be coming home”. I was doing so much better and was expecting to be discharged soon, but I wasn’t expecting the “YOU’LL BE COMING HOME” part…
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