Struck by Lightning

1036 Words
CHAPTER 38 Arianna Dad, Mum, and Gabriel were relaxing and chatting away in the living room area. “Where have you been darling, I was starting to get worried. I was just about to phone you. You’re normally always on time.” Said mum. "The Bakery was a bit busy and also traffic was hectic ” I explained, and then she asked where Jacob was. I placed the cake on the glass table and unconsciously started fiddling with my fingers. Mum knows that I do that only when I am worried or nervous about something. “Dear God, please tell me that Jakey is okay, Ari, please, what's going on?” I quickly tell Mum not to worry he’s fine but that Jacob and I have another surprise, actually two, for her. Well it’s actually for everyone, and to please keep an open mind and try to remain calm. I threw in a Pllllllllleeeeeeeaaaaaassssse in there, too. As I was walking away towards the door, I could hear mum laugh and say “What are those two kids up to now?” I came back first, and Jacob followed slowly behind, mum’s eyes lit up when she saw him, but then she saw the baby bag over his shoulder, and she gave him a questioning look. Dad and Gabriel had their backs facing the door, so they didn’t notice anything. Bella came in shortly with Athena, who was buckled up and relaxed comfortably in her baby carrier. Mum looked like she had seen a ghost, and she was ready to collapse. Gabriel shouted, “MUM, MUM, ARE YOU OKAY?” and stood up with speed and put his arms around her. She straightened herself up and whispered that she was okay, but she could not hold it in. The flood gates burst open. She started sobbing uncontrollably and pushed Gabriel aside, and started walking towards us. Gabriel turned to see what was causing mum to react like that and then as if struck by lightning, his eyes widened and mouth opened, he tried to say something but nothing came out he just stood there frozen in shock. Then it was dad’s turn. After he spotted Bella, he just looked up towards the ceiling and said a thank you. His prayers were being answered. I took hold of Athena’s carrier while mum was crushing Bella in a hug and crying bucket loads of tears. Bella was also crying. Mum kept repeating thank you for coming back. She also told her that she missed her so much and was so worried about her. Princess Athena decided to save the day! She burped really loud. Yes, that tiny human burped so loud that she managed to get the attention of the bigger humans who were drowning themselves in tears. And then as though her burping was the funniest thing ever, she started chuckling louder than her norm and having her personal clown tickling her tummy and telling her she did good, that was the best burp ever, had her laughing louder. Mum let go of Bella slowly and turned towards us and asked if we cared to introduce the precious Angel. Dad took the opportunity to quickly steal a hug from Bella and told her that he missed her so much but he knew that she was going to come back and thanked her for doing so cos it’s now boosted his faith. Holding dad’s hand, Bella brought him to us, she then let go gently and bent over to Athena’s carrier, unbuckled her and lifted her up and said, “Mr and Mrs Knight, allow me to introduce to you, Athena Lillian Knight” that did it for mum, hearing Athena’s second name made her even more emotional and she started to cry uncontrollably again. Maybe I should have asked for a doctor to be here on standby! I knew it was going to be emotional, but I didn’t expect this! Then dad decided that enough was enough and shouted out in a stern and forceful voice and told Mum to pull herself together. Mum slowly tried to calm herself down and grabbed my hand and, even though still sobbing softly, told me that this was the best present of all. I walked her to the couch and helped her settle in. Gabriel had not moved one bit from where he stood. He just watched everything that was happening without speaking a single word. His eyes were now locked with Bella’s as she stood just before the living room entrance with Athena on her hip. Athena was twirling her mum’s hair in her fingers, and her eyes were roaming around, probably trying to figure where she was or whatever babies do. Dad called out to Gabriel, and he didn’t answer. He then walked over to him and whispered something into his ear. Gabriel nodded his head slightly. He then walked towards Bella, took her free hand, and, with a hoarse sounding voice, asked her to follow him. He led her into the guest bedroom, not that far from the living room area, and locked the door. I turned around and saw Jacob looking very worried. I went to him and gave him a hug and reassured him that everything was going to be okay. we just have to be patient and give them some time to sort things out. Dad was now comforting mum, and I could hear her telling him that both Bella and Athena are looking so beautiful and that Athena has Gabriel’s eyes. And then, in a happier tone, she said that she couldn't believe that Bella chose her name as Athena’s second name. She also told dad that no matter what, he must not let Gabriel do anything foolish. We just got them back and can not lose them again. Dad didn't say much and just listened attentively to her while gently stroking her back in a comforting way. I should have offered to take care of Athena while Gabriel and Bella talked things out. It's too late now. I was not going to take a chance and interrupt them! Never had I seen my brother in that state before, and it terrified me!
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