Time to pack up and run again!

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CHAPTER 16 Gabriel My Bella has not been feeling well since yesterday at the Diner. Arianna had come back with her from the restroom and asked if we could leave cos she wasn’t feeling well. I wanted to get her to the doctor, but she insisted she just needed to rest. When we got back, she told us that she wanted to go put her head down for a bit and would be fine. I tried checking up on her during the night, but her door was locked, and her phone was off. If she is still not well this morning, I am going to forcefully take her to the doctor. I am just about to leave my room when Arianna rushes in with a newspaper. She looks horrified. “Gabe this is real bad! Bella is in a state!” she tells me as she shows me the front page of the paper. There’s a picture of the four of us which was taken at the Café with the caption “BILLIONAIRE KNIGHT IN HONEYVILLE VISITING FAMILY” and a short article including the answers to the questions I gave yesterday . “You do know what this means, right? This has probably already reached her hometown, and they now know where she is” Arianna was panicking, I can only imagine how my Bella is doing. “Ari, please do me a favor and get hold of Alex. Tell him I don’t care how he does it but to get rid of every copy that’s already out there. If it has to take every single one of our guys to get it done, then so be it! He also needs to make sure this newspaper company shuts their doors today! I warned them that there would be consequences if our privacy was disrespected! They could have done the article without the damn pic! Tell him I will call him in a bit for an update. Please do this for me, I need to go to Bella. “Don’t worry, I’ll handle it, just go to her. She’s in Jacob’s room.” As I got to Jacob’s door, I could hear him tell her, “Please Bell, speak to Gabriel,he will keep us safe from mum and Mason. We can’t run away again. I like it here, Bella, please, I don’t want to leave” Then my Bella spoke up in a hoarse voice “Jakey, I promised to always protect you, and I will. I can not get Gabriel or anyone else involved in our matters. I will not allow us to be burdens to anyone. We will get through this together just like before. If Mason hurts any of them because of us, I will never be able to forgive myself. So we have to do this not just for us but to protect them too. Do you understand what I am saying?” Jacob must have nodded his head cos I didn’t hear him answer just my Bella saying, “Good, you have to be brave now, please pack up only what you really need. I am going to get my stuff and we are going to leave soon. I love you Jakey” I opened the door and walked in as they were hugging each other. “WHICH PART OF TRUST ME AND I PROMISE TO PROTECT AND KEEP YOU AND JACOB SAFE DID YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?” Yes, I was screaming now because I was pissed off hearing all that she said. Both Jacob and my Bella looked at me dumbfounded. I had never raised my voice like that in their presence before. I am so angry that she wants to run away from me! Does she not care what that will do to me? I raised my hand towards her, and she closed her eyes and placed her palms over her face, and moved back. Jacob shouted “DON’T HIT MY SISTER!” and stepped in front of her. Oh my God, what have I done! I scared them out of anger, and now they think I was about to hit her. “I’m sorry, my love, I’m sorry, Jacob, please believe me, I wasn’t going to do what you’re thinking, I would never do that. I want to show yourll something, Jacob. Please come here bud” he hesitantly made his way towards me while my Bella just stared at me with fear in her eyes. “see this end of my ring? Now press it hard” I tell him, and though looking confused, he does it. “Now, please, I want the both of you to come with me downstairs and wait with me there. In a few minutes it’ll all make sense.” I took my Bella and Jacob to look out the window after a few minutes of coming downstairs and showed them my men spreading out around the B & B fully armed whilst a few came inside. As they walked in, it was like a scene in a movie, and on every side, you could hear gasps of shock. Thank the heavens no one collapsed due to a weak heart or something. I informed my men that it was a practice drill and to make contact with Alex for further instructions. I thanked them for their speedy response time and sent them off. After they left, I turned to my Bella and Jacob and asked “Do you still think that I will not be able to keep yourll safe?” and I got no response. They just stood there dumbstruck. Okay, so maybe getting the armed response team here was a bit too much, but I wanted to get the message across loud and clear that I am not playing games, nor do I make broken promises! Now I have to just get them out of this shock state. This was so not what I was expecting when I decided to come to this town! Ari came over and pulled my Bella into a hug and looked towards me, and made a head gesture for me to leave. I put my hands over Jacob’s shoulders and asked him, “Are you okay, bud? I’m so sorry for scaring you?” I could see he was still scared, and he asked in a shaky voice “Who are you?”
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