9. One Butt Cheek

2425 Words

9 One Butt Cheek JessI’m freaking out. But who wouldn’t be, right? Five days ago I was moving back into my parents’ house to save money and enrolling in a community college nursing program. It wasn’t ideal, but I was determined to do whatever it took. Then I got the call. The Toronto phone number didn’t clue me in, because that’s where Jamie and Wes live. I came this close to answering the phone with, “Whassup, Jamester?” Some benevolent force in the universe caused me to answer “Hello” like a normal person. And a few seconds later I heard something that changed my life. “There’s a place for you here in Toronto.” Suddenly, I was no longer slumming it in the only local program that had a last-minute spot for me, but flying out to a top-notch nursing program in a new city. In a differ

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