Chapter Twenty Seven

2071 Words

I made some lame apologies to the table and left, not going upstairs this time but heading out of the open glass doors. I needed air. I felt like my lungs were collapsing in on me. As I slipped my shoes off, I could hear Luca shouting after me and Amelia pleading with him not to leave. I ran for the vines, collapsing onto the rocky dirt as soon as I had put some distance between me and the house full of guests. What must they have all thought? I sat curling up into myself as much as I could, hugging my legs and dropping my head to my knees. The panic was starting to consume me. I could feel it building in my chest. My breaths becoming shorter and faster, but not really filling my lungs. The burning pain as my lungs complained for more oxygen. As always, I started to sing. I was still sin

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