Chapter 12

1034 Words

**Liam** I can’t believe it! I can’t believe she lied and kept something so important from me! And that bastard brother of hers is going to pay for what he did to her! After Lisa took off, I was so clouded by anger that her brother and his pack left in a hurry. I would find him though. He would pay! I slammed my fist into another tree wishing it was him. “Liam! What in the world are you doing out here? Get your ass out there and bring back Lisa before I show you what that tree feels like!” Abby said exasperated. “She lied to me! She kept a very important part of her life from me! Even after I asked her to tell me!” “Would you stop thinking about yourself for once! She never lied to you all she did was keep that secret and I’m pretty positive if it had been me, I wouldn’t want anyone to

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