Chapter Twenty Three

743 Words
Jason POV "......i want my daddy. I want to see him. I want my daddy." The little boy cried. "Daddy is gone. He is not coming back." A woman console him. The little boy shake his head. He look around the house at the people looking at him with red and swollen eyes. "I want to see my daddy. Daddy. Daddy." He keep calling. The women look at each other sadly. They don't know how to console the little boy any longer. And it hurt them to see him crying and continue to call for his father. An elderly man walk into the house with a woman that seem to be his wife. He look angrily at the people in the room. He look at one of the woman and he gesture for her to follow him and they left the room to a corner. "What happen? Why is he crying?" He asked the lady. "Dad we told him. Mom ask us to tell him. He had been asking of his father and we had no choice than to tell him. We didn't know it will make it worst." She said concern. They look at the boy who is still huddle and crying. "Why did you tell him? He still young for that."The man said angrily. "I'm sorry dad." The lady apologise. "Where is his mother?" He asked. The woman look at him sadly. "She is not herself. She had lock herself in the room ever since." She replied. "But he need his mother." " She is not strong enough to console her son." The man sigh angrily. And he walk up to the little boy. He pull the boy into an embrace. "I want my daddy. My daddy." He said in the man arms. " Mommy." The man look at the women. "We need to make him sleep. Titi do something." He said and the woman named Titi nodded. ******* I wake up breathing heavily and my body covered with sweat. I sat up and close my eyes to calm myself. It did little to help. The light in my room is on dimly. I took the remote and make it bright. I don't sleep in darkness because I have night blindness. I had begin to have another nightmare. This one is different. And whenever I have this nightmare it only means one thing. My father death anniversary is near. It is a way that my subconsciousness is telling me about his death anniversary. I had always had the nightmare after his death for a long time before it stopped. It occur only before his death anniversary now.  I look at my phone. The time read four thirty six am. I stood up and walk to the bathroom. I took a hot bath thinking about the memories that I don't want to think about. I change into a sweatshirt and a trouser. I need to clear my head. I need to do something to forget the night mare I just had. Something I know it is going to continue until after the anniversary. And that is in a week time. My father death anniversary is next week. And that is when the school will be resuming. I took my phone and left the room. Other time I will take my brush and paints and begin to paint my feeling into the canvass. I pour out my feeling into my drawing but not this time. I need fresh air. When I get to the sitting room down stair,the light turn on and my mother is in the living room sitting on an armchair looking into space. I am surprised to see her. I don't know when she get back. She must have took a night flight. She wake up from her thought when the light went on. She look at me, surprised. "Jay you are up. Is everything okay?" She asked. I can hear the concern in her voice but i said nothing. "What is it? Why are you dressed?" She asked again. "I'm going out." I answer coldly. She look at the wall clock." It just fifteen minute pass five. You can't go out now." "I don't need anybody to tell me when to go out." I said. "Do you have any problem that I should know?" She said defeatedly knowing she can't stop me from going out. "If I have any, you will be the last person to know about it." I said harshly and I took my car key and walk out of the house. It was harsh to talk to her like that but I can't help it. She make me angry.  No I am angry at her.
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