Chapter 59

1096 Words

Cormac The room is too bright as I try to open my eyes a searing pain running through my head. It takes too long before I can keep my eyes open and as I look around the unfamiliar room everything confuses me. I know this is a hospital but I have no idea why I’m here or who the crying blonde woman is beside my bed. A kind looking woman who I think is a doctor due to her white coat and equipment is watching my reactions. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out, my throat dry and parched. Quickly she fills a glass of water and holds it too my lips, gratefully I try and gulp it down, what the hell is going on? Where am I? I feel like something is missing but I don’t know what. Trying again this time the words come out “Where am I?” Rough and hoarse but at least I have my voice.

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