Chapter 2

1031 Words
Cormac I have been driving for days, I have a strange feeling the closer I get to the warrior camp, it’s an unexpected mixture of excitement and nerves. I finally feel like I’m moving towards something. The final few hours is pure dirt mountain trails, better suited to be run in wolf form, though I am thankful from my Defender 110 it is more than capable of handing the rough terrain. It didn’t feel particularly good to leave things the way I did with Bea but with distance and constant reinforcement from Conri I know it was for the best. Night is falling but my sharp eyes notice the wolves keeping watch in the forest, I must be getting close now. Relief floods through me I was starting to get a little tired, the sharp winding roads take a lot of energy to concentrate. Eventually I reach the edge of the pack itself and take in the rustic cabins some quite large, all well cared for and fitting of this location. It looks welcoming. I notice an unusual house set back from the main settlement at the very outer edges. I slow almost to a stop to get a good look at it, I’m not a big architecture buff so it is a bit weird how strongly it has drawn my attention but there’s just something about it I can’t quite put my finger on. One it looks very out of place here, not a rustic cabin but a three story traditional house, it looks shabby and worn, with a large wrap around porch and a turret style curve to the left. It looks like one of those old haunted mansions that human kids dare each other to sneak inside at Halloween. I wonder who and when the hell would someone have built something like that away out here? I shake it off and drive on into the main settlement finding the pack house which is like an oversized cabin over three floors, varnished wood looking warm and inviting. As I pull up there are two figures making their way out to greet me both familiar and I smile seeing them. Jumping out the car I bound over to them. Alpha Aldous reaches me first, he is the youngest ever Alpha of the Warrior pack, his father was killed by vampires when he was only 18 and he had to step up to the mark. He’s only about five years older than I am and I’ve always liked him. He suits this rural environment. His blonde hair long and pulled back in a pony, his huge muscles bursting out of his checked lumber shirt, sharp alert blue eyes but for six foot six he has a gentle giant energy about him. I’m almost eye to eye with him as we lock hands and shoulder bump. “Good to see you again my man! Looking forwards to this year!” His eyes twinkle with mischief and he laughs “We’ll see if you’re still saying that in three months time!” I can’t help but look forwards to him putting me through my paces. I turn my attention to the other man, my best friend and fellow future Alpha. “Zac my dude I’ve missed you the last few months!” He steps forwards and gives me a big bear hug. It’s the most bear like thing about him, he’s smaller and leaner than the rest of us at only six foot. His black hair has grown longer in the months since I last saw him and he too has it in a pony. Clearly this is the warrior look, mental note must start putting hair in top knot. Conri just grumbles in my head. “Buddy you have no idea how much I’ve been waiting for you to get here! Someone needs to get the big guy to chill on us!” He nods to Aldous who gives him a mock pissed off look. I just laugh at him and he shoves me in return. I’m nocked off balance and have to recover, he might be small but he’s fast and mighty, no one should ever underestimate him. Aldous pulls my bags out of the car and hands one to each of us “I know I’ll live to regret this but I’ve bunked you in with Zac, He’ll show you the way. Get freshened up, have dinner and relax tonight. We start training at four am!” My eyebrows shoot up “Four am? Like in the middle of the night four am?” Again he laughs “Ah no Princely privileges here my man we’re all just warriors and warriors train before dawn!” “And well after dawn too!” Grumbles Zac, goddess he wasn’t kidding this is going to be work. With that Aldous leaves us with a nod and heads down into the main strip of buildings. I go to follow Zac into the house and pause on the bottom step drawn back to the weird house in the distance. It’s energy calling my attention to it again. Zac had been yabbering but stops and pauses when he sees where my focus is. He follows my gaze and visibly shivers. “That place creeps me out! I hope I never need to go back!” He declares. My attention refocuses on him “What is it?” He looks to me with surprise “Your father hasn’t told you about the Crone yet?” I shake my head “No, I have no idea who or what that is” I say bewildered. “You might regret asking when I do fill you in, it’s the big secret of this place but I thought with you being the Prince and all you would know already” “Not a clue buddy but you’ve definitely got me interested I want to know it all!” He inclines his head to the door “It’s not one for standing in the cold holding heavy bags, lets get you settled and I’ll fill you in over steak and beer” I laugh “that sounds like a deal!”
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