Little Farm Ville

1750 Words

Marisol has been trying to knock some sense on Joaquin about him and his blonde-haired beauty. He is still not hearing sense since he is still hung up on her rejecting him. “For my sanity’s sake, listen to me. She is a woman, human or not. She wasn’t like us who just follow our bodily desires. She was brought up in a world where there are emotions before intimacy,” Marisol paused. “Boss, when you were in your human persona you promised to court her the right way. What happened to that?” Joaquin looked at her. “She rejected and ignored me. How would you feel if that was you?” Joaquin replied. “I wouldn’t know because I never felt what you are feeling. But what I know from observing human emotions, is that you have to respect her. Make a move slowly, build a friendship before you tell

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