The Village

1605 Words

Seb was stunned to see the sight before him as he crouched behind a shrub. The people he found were not the villagers in the video, but armed men ̶ bandits. ‘Why are they here?’ Seb asked in his head. ‘I don’t think your uncles have any idea that those men are here,’ Aguilla said. ‘They shouldn't be here. They will endanger the tribe,’ Seb spoke. ‘Then let’s get rid of them,’ Seb was taken aback by his Lycan’s proposition. ‘Are you high? Those men are armed with those guns. I’m just a high school kid who can’t do s**t. I am not my sister or my cousins,’ Seb argued with his Lycan. ‘Besides, my sister needs help more,’ ‘What are you going to do then?’ Seb stood up. ‘I will look for her,’ Seb was about to take a step when he felt something cold and hard pressed against the back of

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