Not A Scammer

1338 Words

They looked at the man who introduced himself as Dr. Stanford. They all looked suspicious of him, so, they turned around and leaned closer to each other. “How can we be so sure he is telling the truth?” “He could be a scammer?” “Or a robber,” “How did he know what we are talking about?” “I bet he is a scammer,” “Yeah. He doesn’t look anything like her,” The man then cleared his throat. “I can hear you, you know,” he said. Then Lee and the others turned to him. “How did you know about what we are talking about? You were not in the vicinity,” Rory asked. “I was just outside, going to the café when you mentioned the surname, Stanford.” He answered. “How can we be so sure that you know the Dr. Stanford we are talking about?” Elliot asked, narrowing his eyes on the man. “We could

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