Chapter 15

2011 Words

15 Paavo and Yosh compared notes and discovered neither had gotten very far in the investigation. Yosh talked to everyone at Zygog about Gaia and Bedford. He had the clear impression that Gaia had been attracted to Bedford for a number of years, but in the past month or so, people noticed that when he wandered near, Gaia would rush away. In the past, she would stare at him with round cow eyes, and hang onto his every word like a puppy. No one thought much of it because Otto Link had made it clear to everyone that he and his boss were an item. Link had the plushest job in the place since Bedford spent two weeks out of town each month, and during those days Link had little work to do. He read books and played computer games. No one dared to complain since they feared Link would accuse them

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