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The table and chairs were now gone as people mingled or dance, Vivian was going around talking to the members and asking her when she'll do the other buildings and other stuff they needed she mad a list in her mind, she felt someone pull on her dress as she saw a little boy, she smiled and bend down. "Um, Luna can I have a dance" the little boy ask. "You know, your the first to ask me. I would love too" Vivian said The little boy smiled as she took his hand going to middle of the floor where people were dancing, Vivian couldn't bend so she just held both of his hand. "And what's your name little man" Vivian asked "My name is Julian, Beta Jules is my Uncle" Julian said "Well you can call me Vivian or Vi" Vivian said "Vivian?" Julian said Vivian smiled and nodded her head, she gave him a spin as he laughed out Vivian giggled, soon more little boys wanted to dance with her and she did, she felt happy dancing again although it was with the little ones. When she was done with the dance she went to get something to drink, but there was only beer and whiskey. "I have wine here Luna" the cook said "Oh, thank you" Vivian said He poured it in a glass handing it to her as she took a sip of it. "It's a wonderful party Luna" the cook said "It is" Vivian said Vivian looked around as she gave a small smile people talking and dancing, laughing. "Thank you" Jules said Vivian turn to see Jules. "Your Welcome" Vivian said "The party I mean, the gift not so much" Jules said Vivian giggle out. "I'm sorry I didn't know what you liked" Vivian said "I was joking but you sure did throw on hell of a party, my favorite food and drinks" Jules said Vivian took another sip of her drink. "It wasn't much, but I'm glad you like it" Vivian said She drank more of the wine, she was starting to like the taste. "It could have been nice to have a live band" Jules said "Well, there is instruments in the back, and I know the song to Whiskey Tennessee" Vivian said Vivian was getting the courage from the wine, she could sing but never in public. "Oh, really will I can handle a guitar just well enough should we give it a go?" Jules said Vivian took another gulp of the wine and nodded her head. "Okay, well I will go set up" Jules said Vivian nodded her head, as she found the glass empty she looked back as the cook smiled and poured her another glass. "Thank you" Vivian said She took two big gulps before making her way to the stage, the wine was starting to take effect and all her nerves gone was now full of confidence, Jules set up a chair as the others set up the drums and other interments. "Is this think work, oh okay turn the music down. Okay everybody the Luna has decided to grace us with a song as a birthday gift to make up for that hideous gift she sent me" Jules said Vivian laugh out covering her mouth, she shook her head as she went up to the mic, Cyrus who was talking with some warriors saw what was going on looked up to the stage. "Okay it's been awhile since I sang so bare with me" Vivian said smiling Vivian looked back at Jules who nodded his head she mouthed 1, 2, 3 and Jules began the guitar and soon the drums, Vivian smiled and nodded her head. " Used to spend my nights out in a barroom Liquor was the only love I've known But you rescued me from reachin' for the bottom And brought me back from being too far gone You're as smooth as Tennessee whiskey You're as sweet as strawberry wine You're as warm as a glass of brandy And honey, I stay stoned on your love all the time I've looked for love in all the same old places Found the bottom of a bottle's always dry But when you poured out your heart I didn't waste it 'Cause there's nothing like your love to get me high You're as smooth as Tennessee whiskey You're as sweet as strawberry wine You're as warm as a glass of brandy And honey, I stay stoned on your love all the time You're as smooth as Tennessee whiskey You're as sweet as strawberry wine You're as warm as a glass of brandy And honey, I stay stoned on your love all the time You're as smooth as Tennessee whiskey Tennessee whiskey Tennessee whiskey You're as smooth as Tennessee whiskey" Vivian sang, she open her eyes and smiled The crowd erupt in claps cheering for her, Vivian laughed as her smile was wide, she looked back at Jules gave her thumbs up she gave one back to him. "Another one" the crowd started saying Jules was about to go up but Vivian started singing again, Jules saw the glare from Cyrus so he knew he missed up. "Everybody down in Huston calls him "Texas". Everybody way up North calls him "Cornbread". The band began to play again as Vivian sang out Jana Kramer-Whiskey, Jules sigh out as he began to play on the guitar, Vivian was enjoying it as she kept singing. "You shoulda heard the way that his momma called him "baby", Daddy called him "boy", his friends call him "crazy". Shoulda just called it like I saw it. Shoulda just called for help and ran like hell that day. The burning, the stinging, the high and the heat and the "left-me-wanting-more" Feeling when he kissed me. I shoulda just called him "Whiskey". Warm my body to the core just like a blanket. His face was so sweet then he took my breath away. Hit me so hard like a rock through a window. I knew I was in trouble from the moment I met you, boy. Shoulda just called it like I saw it. Shoulda just called for help and ran like hell that day. The burning, the stinging, the high and the heat and the "left-me-wanting-more" Feeling when he kissed me. I shoulda just called him "Whiskey" Now the numb has set in. He's gone like the wind. And I can barely feel the pain. Shoulda just called it like I saw it. Shoulda just called for help and ran like hell that day. The burning, the stinging, the high and the heat and the "left-me-wanting-more" Feeling when he kissed me. The burning, the stinging, the high and the heat and the "left-me-wanting-more" Feeling when he kissed me. I shoulda just called him "Whiskey". Shoulda just called him "Whiskey". I shoulda just called him "Whiskey". Vivian sang out, when she was finished she bowed. She clap with the crowd as she got down from the stage.
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