I was surprised, he walked towards me and kissed me, got into the tub with me, opened his ass, and shoved my d**k into him, making a clap sound. I gasped and held his waist, already feeling good at how warm his round and cheeky ass was. "You have such a high s****l appetite, Jerk." He remarked and began moving. "So…so do you,' I also remarked, pushing my d**k into him as he moved. He gazed at me, his eyes glowed yellow, his pheromones were all over the bathroom and I went into a rut that instant. Ramming his horny ass so fast that I could feel his bones, his belly and I didn't care, lust took over, overwhelmed me, flipped Sky over, and f****d the s**t out of me as we both cried out for release and I bite his nape, Sky shivered and felt stroked so c**k so fast for release. When we were