#23 The Decision

1973 Words

"Hello!" Elsa's voice came out cracking. She was about to speak with Noah after months. "Hey! How are you?" Noah replied, calmer than usual. His head was clouded as all the hurtful memories kept flashing through his mind. He knew someday he had to face her again. The moon goddess, no matter where he ran away, intertwined their fates. "I am good. I am glad you found someone." Elsa tried to lighten the situation. "I am not sure what Naomi said to you, but nothing is going between us." Noah lied through his teeth. He could feel his heart pounding just by the mere mention of a topic related to Freya. It was then he realized that he was actually not that affected to speak with Elsa anymore. The walls were all in his head, while his heart had already started drifting away. Was he really fall

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