Chapter 25 - Strained relationship, Guilt

2101 Words

Elisabeth The day Drake returned angry and rude, there was too much tension between us. We hadn't talked for days, and Drake stopped helping with the chores. I was constantly busy. From work to our house, I always had to clean and cook. I developed black circles under my eyes from lack of sleep. My stamina was better than a human female's, but I felt weak and tired. I was a female wolf, not a superwoman, and my fatigue overtook my other abilities. I needed to shift to my wolf form and run for I don't know how long. But I didn't even have the strength to do that. All I wanted to do was sleep-I was exhausted beyond words. And Drake was nowhere to be found. When I got home, he was gone and didn't even leave a note about where he was or whether I should wait for him. That made things even

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