Chapter 42 - A greedy man

1839 Words

The Dark Moon pack, California Emma The day Blake exposed my lies, I left the packhouse in fear. His demeanour scared the out of me. I didn’t know what stopped him from killing me on the spot, but whatever it was, I was grateful for it. I hid in my house and didn’t reply to anyone’s calls, not even Timothy’s, which were work-related. I didn’t want to see or talk to anyone. I felt embarrassed to tell Timothy what happened between Blake and me. Tim was a mutual friend who had supported my relationship with Blake. When Natalia happened though, he was the first to tell me I should forget about Blake and continue with my life. He was loyal to our Alpha and wanted him to be happy. He, therefore, supported our Alpha’s wedding to Natalia and warned me not to do anything stupid that wou

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