Chapter 5 - Alpha Maurizio Azzarello

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Isola, Italy Natalia Since I had decided to go back to the United States and deal with Blake Hunter personally, I sent a message to Fabrizio asking him to meet me for coffee. Not long after, my phone rang. Fabrizio had just woken up, and when he saw my text, he knew something was wrong. “Buongiorno tesoro è successo qualcosa?” (Good morning, darling, did anything happen?) He yawned. "Natalia?" His voice was filled with worry when I didn't reply immediately. “Zio Fabrizio, dobbiamo parlare-è urgente.” (Uncle Fabricio, we need to talk-it's urgent! Would you like to come to my apartment in the afternoon? Lisa is visiting her parents and will probably stay with them tonight." "I have a better idea. Why don't I take you out for coffee and lunch? We can enjoy the good weather." "I am not in the mood, Uncle. Let me cook for you today, okay? We will have more privacy at home." “Okay, bambina mia, ci vediamo più tardi, allora.” (Ok my child, see you later then.) I thought putting my head under the shower was best to collect my scattered thoughts and ease my anxiety. I needed to have a clear mind when I spoke to Fabrizio. He was my mentor, and his opinion was important to me. I was already having a hard time leaving everything behind. My efforts and struggles to become the person I was would be a waste as soon as I landed in the United States. When I left the bathroom, I found Lisa in my room, waiting for me. "Hey, Nat, I thought I should say hi, before leaving for my parent's house. Are you sure you don't want to come with me, sweetie?" "Good morning, Lisa. No, thanks, honey. I will stay home and rest. It's been a hectic week, and I need time to pull myself together for what's to come next week. Maybe next time. Please give my regards to your parents." Lisa left, and I was alone once more. Suddenly, I was irritated by the silence in the apartment. I picked up my car keys and headed outside. I drove to one of the most famous beaches in Isola, Le Castella beach. The unusual colour of the sand attracted me- it was fine and red. The sea's water was clear-crystal clear, and, thanks to the shallow waters, I could see a variety of fish swimming by without diving. I sat on the beach and took my shoes off, sinking my toes into the thick sand and letting my head fall back; I closed my eyes and allowed the sunshine to caress my face and warm my cold heart. It was hard for me to leave all that beauty behind-Italy had become my second home after living there for so many years. Returning to my country meant abandoning a big piece of me here in Italy, and just the thought of it hurt a lot. I had no choice, though. My father's health was failing, and my father was way more important to me than staying in Italy. I stayed there for more than an hour, listening to the sound of the waves touching the shore, and then took the road back to my apartment. "The decision has already been made, sweet cheeks," Leia whispered in a soothing voice, and I couldn't agree more with her. "Yes, Leia, the decision has already been made," I replied with a sad smile. When Fabrizio rang my doorbell, I was cooking his favourite pasta, lasagna with plenty of cheese and tomato paste. He had arrived sooner than I expected. He gave me a tender kiss and went inside the house. The smell of the food hit his nostrils, and he smiled, content. "Ah, Natalia, you always spoil your Uncle," he teased me, clapping his hands happily, and walked to the stove to check if the food was ready. I followed him, smiling at his childish behaviour. Fabrizio was like a big baby who had just been given his favourite toy. "Let's sit in the living room until the food is ready, Uncle. Would you like something to drink?" I offered, already picking up two wine glasses, knowing his reply. "A glass of wine would be perfect," he turned to me and smiled when he saw me already holding the wine and glasses. "So, what's so urgent, Natalia? Did anything happen?" He sat on the sofa holding his drink, his eyes locking onto mine. "Uncle, I have to go back to the States. My father needs me." I tried to keep my voice as steady as possible, but he noticed the tremor immediately. He got up and sat next to me. Folding my hands into his giant palms, he turned my face to him, looked at me and spoke softly. "Honey, what's the matter? What's wrong with your father? Ray didn't mention anything to me." "He doesn't know that I found out. Uncle James called me this morning. There is much more to it, though, Uncle." "Natalia, don't drive me crazy, girl. Spit it out, for God's sake," he squeezed my hands, a worried expression on his face. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and told him everything, watching his facial expressions change from worried to dark and gloomy by the time I finished. "So, now you know why I have to go back, Uncle. And stay there, permanently, or until that sick bas.tard satisfies his anger by making my life a living he.ll, because that is what he is planning to do," my voice was a whisper by the time I stopped talking. "Natalia, this is pure madness, sweetie. You plan to abandon everything here and go back to get tortured by a madman? Your father will never allow that." "Uncle, it's the only way to save my father and our pack members. Let's not forget who I am, what I am. It's about time I took responsibility as the Alpha's daughter and stood next to my father as his rightful heir." Fabrizio sat there looking at me, trying to digest what I had told him. The poor man had difficulty dealing with everything and accepting my decision. His palms left my hands, and he held me by the shoulders, shaking me while talking as if trying to jolt some sense into me. "Natalia, do you even realise what you will be leaving behind? You have a bright future ahead of you, my child. Please reconsider your decision." "Uncle, do you think it was an easy decision for me? Of course, I know the consequences of my abrupt departure, and you should know how much I love what I do and how devastated I am to have to leave everything behind." I didn't realise I was crying until Fabrizio took a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped my face tenderly. "Now, Natalia, stop crying, honey. I guess you are right. We knew that this might happen someday. All that is left for us to do now is to check your options. You need a backup plan even if you go back, right?" "What kind of a backup plan, Uncle? I told you-he set the condition that I must marry him and become his Luna. Blake will forcibly mark and mate with me if you know what I mean. Even if he doesn't give a s**t about me, he will do it! That is how things are in our world, Uncle. His pack members will not accept a Luna that their Alpha has not marked, and that would cost Blake his reputation and shake his position as the strongest of the Alphas in our territory." "You are also a strong woman, Natalia. Do not allow anyone to humiliate you in any way. Find his weakest point and take advantage of it. Your position at the law firm will wait for your return. We will say that you have taken a long leave of absence due to your father's failing health." Fabrizio stood up abruptly, startling me. He walked to the kitchen, took the food out of the oven, placed it on the kitchen counter and dropped a bomb, turning towards me. "After lunch, I will contact Alpha Maurizio Azzarello, the friend I told you about years ago. We will visit his pack tonight, and he and his Luna will help you shift for the first time." He watched me pale, and before I reacted, he raised his hand and prevented any protest I may have had. "I will not take "no" for an answer, Natalia. Do you want to return to your country and give that jack.ass another reason to humiliate you?" "He is right, Natalia! It won't be very comfortable for us to shift in front of Blake Hunter for the first time. Just think about it! I will never allow that jerk and his wolf to laugh at either of us, "Leia chipped in, determination in her voice. "We need to shift before we leave Italy. The sooner, the better," she continued. "I don't seem to have any other option, Uncle. My wolf agrees with you; let's eat first. You can call Alpha Maurizio to see if he agrees to help." We ate our lunch in silence, each lost in our thoughts. One thing was sure- we were both very anxious and worried about the days that would follow, for the same and different reasons simultaneously. When we finished, uncle Fabrizio called Alpha Maurizio Azzarello, the Alpha of the Midnight Shifters. I started cleaning the dishes and listened to my uncle on the phone-it sounded like he got a positive reply from his Alpha friend. "You need to get ready, Natalia. We will leave soon, and it will take about three hours to reach our destination. Alpha Maurizio has agreed to help us, and we will stay with them for the night. You will shift at midnight, and we can come back tomorrow after you rest. Pack some sportswear, nothing else." I nodded and headed to my room to get my things. Despite my twenty-five years of age, I felt like a teenager, all stressed about my first shift. The first time was always painful. We left my apartment and travelled in Fabricio's car. We were both silent, and soon, I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I was exhausted. I didn't even realise that we had arrived-not until Fabrizio woke me up. He helped me out of the car, and I met the most magnificent creature. Alpha Maurizio was a tall, handsome, muscular man in his fifties with jet-black eyes and short silver hair. His face radiated power and decisiveness. I stood there, watching him, and blushed when I realised he was talking to me and I hadn't heard a word he said. "Natalia? Alpha Maurizio is talking to you," Fabrizio intervened, smiling at my reaction. "I see you haven't lost your ability to make females fall for your good looks, even in your fifties," Fabrizio teased the man in front of me and burst into laughter. Alpha Maurizio smiled and did not reply. "He has always been like that," a sweet voice came from behind him, and his Luna appeared, smiling. "Good thing he is loyal to me," she added teasingly, and Alpha Maurizio took her in his arms. "Hello, Natalia, I am Luna Isa, short for Isabella," she stated and gave me her hand, still smiling. "Hello, thank you for accepting us," I blushed even more and took her hand in mine, shaking it. "What an embarrassing moment," I thought, feeling stupid. "Don't worry, my dear. I am used to other females looking at my mate when they first meet him," Luna Isa said, sensing my thoughts. She took me by the hand and led me into the packhouse, asking me various questions about why I hadn't shifted yet. I was grateful to her for dispelling the awkwardness and trying to make me feel comfortable after that embarrassing moment. There was no reason to hide anything from her since I was there for their help. I decided to tell her exactly what had happened so many years ago and how I ended up living in Italy. I was unaware that Alpha Maurizio had been listening to our conversation. When he entered the room, he addressed me in a fatherly way that brought tears to my eyes and made me forget the awkward moment I had when I met him. "Listen, my child. Your inner power is something that belongs to you alone. With the help of your wolf, it will get stronger and help you navigate all the negative things that will come your way. All you need to do is trust your wolf tonight-she will take the lead and help you grow more robust and efficient. Until now, she was only giving you mental support- you have to allow her to provide you with physical support. You will become one with your wolf tonight, my child, which will give you the courage to deal with all the troubles that await you back in your country." "Thank you, Alpha," was all I could say, and Luna Isa patted my hand in acknowledgement. She asked one of their staff members to get us some soft drinks and, together with Alpha Maurizio, explained what was about to happen at midnight, advising me on how to handle the inevitable pain. Cold sweat ran down my spine at the thought of what would happen to me at midnight, but I tried to sound brave and unbothered. "Only I know that you almost pissed your pants," Leia mocked me, laughing her heart out, and I blocked her, embarrassed because she was right this time.
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