Chapter 7 - Outcast

1856 Words

The female vampire stepped into the room carefully, her eyes guarded, careful. She never took her eyes off of the Volturi Leader, Aro, even though she wasn't afraid of him. Not in the least bit. But she needed him for the moment. She needed his help and whether he knew it or not, he was going to give it to her. Each face of the Volturi Guard was shocked at her appearance, which didn't surprise her. She wasn't supposed to be here, she knew that, but she had to be. She just had to protect the one she loved, and if that meant joining them, so be it. She took another step closer. The guard moved with her, as if they thought they could stop her. Ha! They couldn't touch the female. She knew it and they knew it. Aro held up his hand. "Peace dear ones." his tone was it's normal, cheerful self.

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