Chapter 10 - Pride and Prejudice

2000 Words

"Just calm down, Christopher, you're with me. Trust me, you'll be talk of the next week by the end of the day." I told the blonde man beside me, who was now a junior since I sweet talked our principal, Miss Jennifer Corwell. Mostly she agreed because I slept with her too, but that's a secret that no one knows. "Sure." I rolled my eyes, still holding Mallory's hand. "Go grab me a pop." I whispered in her ear. She smiled and went to go find me one, not willing to somehow upset me by not doing what I ask. To these girls, dating me was a privilege, and if you lasted more than a week, you must have been doing something right. When she was out of sight I grabbed a hold of Denise and Sarah, both identical twin sisters. I introduced Denise to Chris and then I took Sarah and kissed her firmly on

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