Chapter 31 Calculation

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After coming out of the Elixirs Selling Pavilion, Lu Ping was glad and worried. He was glad because his cultivation speed would not slow down due to the lack of elixirs. He was worried because he calculated his spiritual stones and found that they could only be enough for such luxurious cultivation for at most a year. Lu Ping shook his head worriedly and decided to leave the matter behind for the time being. Anyway, his spiritual stones were enough for a year's cultivation. He could find a way to get more spiritual stones. "Huh? 'To get more spiritual stones'? Why isn't it 'to earn more spiritual stones'?" Lu Ping thought of the many things that he still needed to continue spending spiritual stones to prepare and finally decided not to dwell on these issues that made him feel that he went astray. He had solved the problem of his cultivation, and then he needed to make some plans for his tasks. On this three-year trip to Xuanqi Island, he was very likely to be stationed on a small island. Even if he was stationed on Xuanqi Island, he would be given tasks such as cultivating and excavating spiritual materials. No matter what kind of task he would receive, he had never experienced it before. Therefore, he should be prepared for it in advance. Otherwise, he might cause losses due to improper operation, and then his interest would be affected and he even had to compensate for the losses. He would be upset if that really happened. Planting spiritual grains was a task for every disciple. Lu Ping bought some good spiritual grain seeds at the spiritual grain store. It was said that its production could increase by 20%. The ten kilograms of seeds cost Lu Ping twenty spiritual stones. In the spiritual beast shop, Lu Ping bought a first-level supernatural beast, Spirit-Seeking Mouse, that could sense the spiritual strength on the earth's surface. In a spiritual vein of the True Spirit Sect, Lu Ping purchased some mountain spring water that contained spiritual strength. He decided to dilute it and used it to irrigate spiritual grains, spiritual herbs, or spiritual materials, and so on. Then he bought enough yellow spell papers, spiritual ink, and other supplies for his three-month cultivation. Then, he had almost prepared everything he could think of. Three days later, the Transferring Circle on Xuanqi Island flickered, and one shadow after another came out of the Transferring Circle. It was a team of twenty people comprised of nine disciples of the seventh team who had reached the eighth level of Blood Refining and eleven people from several other teams including several strong men among the third level disciples, such as Lin Sheng of the first team, and Leng Qian of the fourteenth team. The True Spirit Sect had built a small Transferring Circle on each small island to connect with the nearby medium-sized islands. Because of the spiritual mine on the island, Xuanqi Island had also directly built a transmission channel with True Spirit Island. Obviously, the True Spirit Sect attached importance to Xuanqi Island. Immortal Senior Liu, who led the team, flew to the attic on the island as soon as he left the Transferring Circle. Lu Ping knew that he was going to see Zhenren Qu who was stationed on the island. Since the small-scale spiritual mine on Xuanqi Island was discovered and the True Spirit Sect had a war with the Xuan Spirit Sect, Zhenren Qu had been staying on Xuanqi Island. At the time, the situation on the island had changed greatly due to the arrival of Zhenrens at the Alchemy stage. In addition to Zhenren Qu and Immortal Senior Liu who had just arrived, there were seven cultivators at the Blood Dissolving stage on the island. The atmosphere of preparing for wars on the island was still very strong. It seemed that the Xuan Spirit Sect was still thinking about Xuanqi Island. But because of the "peace negotiation" between the two sects, the Xuan Spirit Sect could only carry out some disturbing activities. There were so many cultivators at the Blood Dissolving stage on the island. It seemed that Lu Ping was really going to be a cultivator stationed on the island. Sure enough, the next day, a disciple of Zhenren Qu announced to the twenty cultivators the arrangement for them. Except for the four female disciples who would stay on Xuanqi Island, all the others would be stationed on the sixteen miniature islands of Xuanqi Island. Lu Ping was a little unlucky. He was assigned to Huangli Island, which he had been to last time. It was an island with only one resource, spiritual grains. Among the sixteen islands, it was one of the most barren islands. Several senior disciples Lu Ping knew came to joke about his bad luck. Lu Ping could only laugh at himself, which unexpectedly made them more familiar with each other. When the sixteen people set out, Zhenren Qu appeared and personally told them to cultivate and manage the islands at ease during their stay on the islands and that they should also be careful of the harassment of the Xuan Spirit Sect and report to the Immortal Seniors of Xuanqi Island in time if something came up. Before leaving, Du Feng, the second senior disciple, came to Lu Ping and said softly, "Lin Sheng is Li Cheng's cousin, so you are assigned to Huangli Island." Lu Ping was stunned and looked at Yao Yong and Shi Lingling in the near distance. They were also looking at him. When they saw Lu Ping looking at them, they both nodded. It seemed that the three of them were specially here to remind Lu Ping. Lu Ping said "Thank you" gratefully, turned around, and left. At the same time, he quietly looked at Lin Sheng who was chatting with several other disciples in the distance. Lu Ping put his boat magic weapon on the sea and sped in the direction of Huangli Island. Looking at Lu Ping's back in the distance, Lin Sheng turned his head in a complicated mood. Lu Ping's cultivation improved too fast. In less than two years since the Grand Competition, Lu Ping had reached the ninth level of Blood Refining. If it weren't for his cousin, Li Cheng, who had been trying to ask him to teach Lu Ping a lesson, he would not want to mess with such a person. Fortunately, he got blood dissolving elixirs in the Grand Competition. In the past two years, he kept strengthening his cultivation at the ninth level of Blood Refining and finally made it reach the peak of the ninth level. If he reached the Blood Dissolving stage by then, he could do whatever he wanted with Lu Ping. Lin Sheng spent a lot of spiritual stones this time and asked the elders in his family to help him get the task of garrisoning Huangyu Island. There was a miniature spiritual mine with a daily output of 50 or 60 spiritual stones. He would get 20% of the monthly output, which was nearly 300 spiritual stones. With the subsidy of 50 spiritual stones per month from the sect and the allowance of his family, he could definitely enter the Blood Dissolving stage in a short time. Lu Ping was actually a little upset. Anyone would be upset if they were calculated, even though Lu Ping didn't expect to go to a place with better conditions at all. Lu Ping had long known that the disciples would bribe the Immortal Senior who arranged the tasks to get profitable tasks. Lu Ping knew that, but he didn't want to do that. With his wealth, he could spend hundreds of spiritual stones to get a good island. However, he had always had a subconscious sense of isolating himself. He didn't want people to know more about him. Lu Ping always tried to keep a low profile, and what Lin Sheng did actually helped him with that. Lu Ping, who was relieved of his worries, remembered that the immortal senior, who assigned the tasks earlier, assigned Lin Sheng to Huangyu Island. Huangyu Island and Huangli Island were far apart, but Lu Ping's Huangli Island was too remote. So, compared with other islands, it was closest to Huangyu Island. Thinking of the miniature spiritual mine on Huangyu Island, Lu Ping had an itch. Why didn't he try his luck there by stealth? He was getting even with Lin Sheng not doing something bad. Zhenren Qu was probably not as familiar as he was with the sea area of Xuanqi Island. When Lu Ping was thinking about how to get the spiritual mine on Huangyu Island, an island in the distance appeared in his sight. This was the place where he would work, live and fight for the next three years, and he would be the island owner of Huangli Island from then on.
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